Love is in the Air Sensuality Workshops

These four different workshops are a rare opportunity to explore sexuality with a partner or by yourself, and everybody will keep their clothes on.  Become more confident, expressive, and satisfied in the bedroom. Love is in the Air is led by Moon, a former professional dominatrix and Pleasure Coach...

Choosing a New School for Your Child

I’m a kindergarten teacher and early childhood coordinator at the American School in Puerto Vallarta, and I love this time of year. As a kindergarten teacher, I’m watching my five-year-old students turn six, which means they are starting to do all kinds of amazing things.  For example, some...

Own Your Work

Thousands of years ago, a wise person named Lao Tzu said the following: "Fill your bowl to the brim, and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife, and it will blunt. Chase after money and security, and your heart will never unclench. Care about other people's opinions, and you...

It Never Gets Old

I admit I am not always the most optimistic person you’ve ever met. Sometimes, I see the half-empty glass and become convinced it’s closer to a third. I’m not always shocked if things don’t turn out how I want them to. On the flip side, I can then enjoy...

New Starts at International Friendship Club

Well, I've been promoted. To President! Last week, new officers and the executive board were elected at the International Friendship Club's annual general meeting. Like me, most of those elected have previously served this all-volunteer charitable organization in some capacity. We are excited to have Tricia Lyman of the wildly...

Cleaning for Visitors

My parents are flying in today, and I couldn't be more excited. I love having my parents come to stay. When my kids were little, my parents coming meant that Nana and Papa were also coming, and they were bringing gifts, clothes and distraction. They were babysitters, advisors, and...

Love Is Letting Go of Fear

When a person discovers, through new science or some spiritual text, that the world, with all of its problems and all of its ups and downs and all of its situations and all of its perceptions, is an illusion… there is great relief … much like the relief that...

Upcoming Events at International Friendship Club

All volunteer run, the not-for-profit International Friendship Club (IFC) has a long list of upcoming events, some fun and some fun and educational, supporting its charitable activities. I am delighted to report that happy hours are resuming as of this Friday, January 20, at 5 PM. Stroll over to...

The Would-be Mama Rat

The rat girl died long before I found her in the center shed, where I keep the bee supers, extra kitchen stuff, and fishing poles. Oh, and canning jars and camping and diving equipment. Also, the French dishes and my boogie board from 1976 that I still use. Last...

Managing Money 101

They say leading by example is one of the most important ways to teach your child about money management. So I've already put my kids behind the curve, I guess. Managing money is not my strong suit, probably because a) I don't like math, b) I'm a teacher, and...

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