Going! Going! Gone! Rebuild a New Life!

Last month, I wrote and talked about the crystalline energy incoming from the cosmos and how to adopt it into our Heart… to generate a Heart-based Power!

This month the double dip of 8, representing our new Power and Authority is to be explored as the 9 Vibrational Field is now operating.

How do I figure a 9 Universal Month/Energy Field?

2024 = 2+2+0+4 = 8 Universal Year. October is the 10th month of the calendar year.

Add 10 to the 8 = 18 — Add the 1 and the 8 = 9!

Therefore – October resonates to the 9 Universal Frequency.

In Numerology, 9 is a spiritual number indicating a higher Consciousness vibration is causal and impersonal in action. 9 sees the world through a larger, more humanitarian lens than the other numbers.

Having learned the lessons and received the gifts of Numbers 1-8, 9 approaches life being more connected to the world, the planet, and the Cosmos.

All of which require us to shift to living differently as we now begin to perceive through this wider lens too.

It’s time to say goodbye to the doubt, fear, and lack mentality.

It’s no coincidence that the new incoming Cosmic Heart Energy, which the crystalline holds, is also of the 9 frequency.

You and I are in sync with the Universe if and when we allow it!

In a more earthy, less esoteric way, 9 represents Success and Accomplishment – the completion finalizing of something. 

It symbolizes the outcome. When we complete something, we let go, right? We leave it all behind and move forward. 

And important to note – we celebrate our achievement! (9)

Same with our inner world. On the inner plane, success is defined as feeling good about yourself… feeling whole and complete internally.

This month will most likely find you releasing, leaving behind outgrown beliefs, patterns of behavior, attachments to people to feel whole, complete, and a greater sense of Self.

Things that were important no longer are. What used to light your fire, now doesn’t! All this can be very disconcerting! 

All this is essential as it’s part of the crystalline process of moving into the Open Heart… the Cosmic Heart!

To be in that position with yourself is an accomplishment for the Ages! 

Yet, we can only do this when we’ve completed our “reset” of Power by basing it on Heart Energy. Didn’t September make that clear to you when “Lead with the Heart, back up with Smart” took command of the steering wheel?

Just in case you’re still feeling restless, a bit lost, or confused, I’m offering you some questions to reflect, to determine how far you’ve come with living the Heart Experience.

Make a few moments to assess where you’re at with yourself… what you’ve been successful with… what you might still need to process more: 

1 – Do you see yourself and the world now in a different light than you did in January? Have you been able to change your stories, and narrative to look for the Good, the Beauty in life? 

2 – Do you still need validation, attention, and acceptance from the Outside to feel good about yourself? 

3 – Are you feeling a “Pull” to go in a new direction? 

4 – Where do you stand with any “Control” issues? Have you let go of your need to control? Do you trust in the Divine Order of things, trust in your Divine Self?

5 – Are you still depending on the outside world instead of trusting your own experience and what you know is true for you?

6 – Have you let go of toxic relationships? Are the people you now choose  to be with kind, supportive and honest?

Take a deep breath. How did you do? Feeling happy, pleased or still restless and uneasy?

Where you’re happy, do a happy dance! 

Acknowledge your success! (9) Where you’re not, address it, Finish it up, (9) leave it (9) and move on wholeheartedly!

What’s left to do during October? Celebrate you, your life!

Don’t we always do this when we complete something? 

The end of a 9-year cycle of growth… of learning… of loving. 

9 asks you celebrate you! Honor your growth! 

New beginnings start… new trails to be taken next month! 

Without honoring the Consciousness you’ve grown into, how can you move forward?

So go ahead! Kiss the Joy! The Cosmic Open Heart is here!


  • Deirdre Morgan

    Deirdre Morgan is a Numerologist, Alternative Healer, and Interfaith Minister. She earned a B.A. in Psychology from Vassar, spent six years at the Kairos Institute for Metaphysical and Parapsychological Studies. She is also a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Prenatal Bonding Coach, and psychic consultant. Her book, Heart Speak, is available through Deirdresinsights.com.

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