Kiss the Joy, My Friends!

Merry March? Manic March? Magnificent March? What will it be? Chances are you’ll experience moments of all three as there is nothing quiet or stable about the Quantum, the Universal Field, this month. In fact, the energies are wild and wooly, pushing us to go deeper within and determine our life from that point. The Energies are an orchestrated disarray designed to encourage, nudge, or push each of us to solidify Heart Consciousness once and for all!

And in perfect sync – we’re marching to the 3 frequency this month. 3, known as the Light Hearted, represents self-expression, the joy in living, the creativity, optimism, imagination, and playfulness to life. Yet, there is a hidden component to the 3, which is often overlooked but essential to our living the proactive side of the number – Truth!

And this – Truth – is our focus, our assignment for the month. Where do we stand with our-self? How do we live/maintain our Truth when all around is uncertain in messy upheaval?

Or you may be still in the process of finding it. Quite the challenge lies before us as Truth can be an elusive character. Make no mistake about that. What will you make of it? A doubt- fear-lack mentality or reset with Love, Joy, and belief in Abundance?

For the Truth is that we are beings of Light, Love and Joy. This is our Authentic Self. Please understand – I’m not promoting fake positivity, nor is the Universe. If we are to evolve, we are simply being asked to accept who we are in our Core and live accordingly. And that’s the Truth! 

This month is not only an integration – it is an activation of the inner journey that we’ve taken on months, years ago. We’ve been reconciling our past emotional wounds from the unmet needs in order to grow, expand… and express life more fully. 

Only recently – since the end of last year, could we begin to experience who we really are… and to honor and celebrate it within ourselves and in others. Caveat – without blame, shame or guilt.

January then whirled in inspiring us to strengthen our practice of the “see good, get good” approach to living. The narrative had to be flipped; to dismantle our focus on “what I don’t have”.

And next, February’s task was to reconcile the confusion, angst, frustrations generated from conflicting beliefs causing inner turmoil and polarized thinking. All were keeping us at odds and unable to feel Peace, Love or Joy – our true nature! This month, we are to resolve to live in this state of Truth and express its offspring Love and Joy. 

And therein lies this month’s option, golden opportunities! To become sovereign once more!

No amount of joy, love, enthusiasm can work when we aren’t honest with ourselves, stand for ourselves… and speak for whom we are. Now – I’m the first to say – your truth can be tricky. For your truth evolves as you do!

As we elevate our consciousness, the perspective that works for us on Level 1 will no longer “fit” or “serve” us. When we hold new beliefs and perspectives, why do we expect to stay the same?

Most often we stubbornly resist taking that leap of faith to become “different”, “more”, because somewhere we lost our belief in Joy or Love in ourselves. We are however, Joy! Love! This is what your journey here is about: to reclaim your Essence. And 3 represents this. It’s here this month to give you the chance to reactivate inside you! 

Will you reclaim being of Light, Love and Joy? Of being the Creative Spark of Divinity within – or stick to what you know, remaining on autopilot? 3 is calling you to Joy and Love… will you accept the invite?

Or not?

And how do we accomplish all this? How do we accept and allow ourselves to embrace the Truth of our Being? Especially, in such turbulent times. Seems awkward, even futile or selfish?

We know to stop judging; we know that we are Creators in our life.

We know to stop making excuses for ourselves. We know to stop giving our Power away to outside authority. We know to stop being “result-oriented”, to let doubt, fear, and lack run our lives. 3 says “Just do it – with a smile.”

Could this be why we are relentlessly encouraged to “stay in the Present… because our Past can only haunt us with ineffective beliefs, used up emotions, and a body tired of holding onto the outworn. Is this why we are told “change is the only constant in life”? So, we are motivated to dive deeper within to live in Trust, Love and Joy once more. 

For the Truth of the matter is, until we are willing to live authentically, to live the Joy that we are, Joy cannot kick in. And unless Joy is alive inside us, we live half-heartedly. Is that enough for you? Half heartedly or whole heartedly? Living in Joy is the secret, the honey of Life…

How about it? How about that kiss? 

For a kiss is simply to embrace the Joy and Love in you!


  • Deirdre Morgan

    Deirdre Morgan is a Numerologist, Alternative Healer, and Interfaith Minister. She earned a B.A. in Psychology from Vassar, spent six years at the Kairos Institute for Metaphysical and Parapsychological Studies. She is also a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Prenatal Bonding Coach, and psychic consultant. Her book, Heart Speak, is available through

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