A Good Question

Are you a branch, or are you a tree? Do you operate from the perspective of the branch, which has grown from the larger base of the tree yet is still a part of it? Or do you view yourself as the branch that, although attached to the base, is “out on a limb,” hanging onto the larger tree but totally unaware that it is part of the tree itself?

The answer you give to this tree metaphor has significant consequences for you and society. Dear ones,  are you a limb out on your own, or are you a branch that is unique but part of the whole? 

If you are reading this message, you undoubtedly see yourself as a branch, at least part of the time. You move through your life as a separate being within a body but also know that the greater reality gifts you with the remembrance that you are also a vital component of the tree. You wake each day with the hope and the willingness that you can give to the “whole” for the greater good of all. This is the task at hand, my dear brothers and sisters! 

It is never about sacrificing your individuality for the greater good; this is wrong-minded thinking. Discovering the peace and joy you desire is about learning to share your gifts, knowledge, and uniqueness with the world; from this place, love will be born and witnessed among humanity. 

We remind you all, quite frequently, to shine your light and sow the seeds of your gifts and abilities, for they were given to you for a divine reason. Don’t be bashful, and don’t be ashamed of who you are, for perfection is at your core! 

Remember that a branch grows and stretches to the light for survival. But it is also deeply aware that it is part of the tree, the trunk, other branches, leaves, bark, and all that works in harmony to function for the good of the one tree. 

This is the task for humanity, offer yourself for the benefit of all but remember that without nurturing yourself and your Divine gifts you will have nothing to offer the larger tree of reality. Be you and be part of the “whole.”  

This is achievable for everyone, and it is the purpose for which you incarnate to spend a bit of time on Gaia. What a magnificent opportunity for expression. This is pleasing to all God’s creatures.”

In light and love. The Arcturian Council


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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