Be Not Moved Off Your Center 

“You may have noticed a lot more chaos, confusion, and alarm in the outside world than before.

It may feel as if an archer’s bow is being drawn back. As it becomes more and more and more taut, there’s an inevitability to its having to be released. The tension has to be released.

There’s an opportunity for you to go into fear and worry and doubt, and there are many rabbit holes you can go through. It all should be entitled, “Abandon all hope ye who enter here.”

This is a great time of choice. This is a time for you to stand in your power, your grace, your wisdom, your knowledge, and your rooted intelligence, and declare your truth – which is peace, love, and calm in the midst of madness.

There will be a great pull to move towards fear, to look outward for the truth. Do not go there. The message from the media and from people around you might be the old adage, “When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!”

You need not do this.

This is a tremendous opportunity for you to invoke what you know to be true, which is that love is the only truth. 

Connection is your safety – seeing shared interests, seeing your brothers and sisters as yourself, being genuinely helpful, and increasing the love and acceptance that you have for everything and everyone, knowing having faith that all is well. 

All is well.

Have fun with this. Things will be rocky and interesting and fascinating. But, be not moved off your center.

You know the truth. Live the truth you know. Calm the ones around you and go in love.

Enjoy this ride. Stay centered in who you are and who you know everyone to be.

Take care of yourself and take care of others. Participate fully in the transformation that you are bringing about.

I love you and I will speak with you again, soon.”

Thanks to Dr. Jim for sharing this January 3rd message.


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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