Sitting in bed and feeling guilty about it, but it is nearly the ending of my visits and a day of nothing to do but packing and a dinner party tonight, so I'm going to write about gardens and food again, and I'm sorry, but I have to.
Yesterday we...
Reprinted with permission.Yesterday, while I was at the kitchen sink, I could see Jack nosing at something in the cut grass in the barn pasture. I called him to the house, and then an hour later he was at it again, so I went to see what he was...
Last night, for the first time in all the years I've lived on this farm, I saw fireflies already in the trees. In April. I never knew they came this early. Only one, then another, then not another. I thought it was a star through the clouds but it was a firefly rising.
A couple of days ago, as the weather made a sudden hard turn into Spring, I finished slow-poking my favorite garden fork into the weedy mess of my potager as the sun went down, heard flapping, looked up, and saw them settling in one of the big walnut trees...
The rat girl died long before I found her in the center shed, where I keep the bee supers, extra kitchen stuff, and fishing poles. Oh, and canning jars and camping and diving equipment. Also, the French dishes and my boogie board from 1976 that I still use.
Today, the prevailing morning light is grey and gold, and the rain has softened the ground enough to plant the four fruit trees I bought because they were at TSC on sale for almost nothing and because I didn't have enough to do already, I was so excited!
(Used with permission)
There are a few of us up at 5 AM, some friends sending love, a bird at a feeder, mysterious beings in the underbrush, the crippled pup in his bed, and maybe you.
The emptied farmhouse is silent, the only child gone; outside, there is distant lightning...