Lion’s Mane Mushroom 

The Hericium Erinaceus mushroom, better known as the lion's mane mushroom, is an edible mushroom that grows in hanging clusters and long white spines that give it its distinctive appearance. Cultures in China and Japan have used it since ancient times for its medicinal properties.  It lives mainly in beech...

Reishi Mushroom/Ganoderma Lucidum 

This week, we continue with mushrooms because it is essential to disseminate and publicize their nutritional and therapeutic benefits; remember that Mexico is the second country with the highest biodiversity in these, only behind China.   Reishi mushroom, also known as Ganoderma lucidum, is a medicinal mushroom widely used in...

Mushrooms and Their Importance for Health

This kingdom is probably the least known compared to the Animal and Plant kingdoms; however, the Fungi kingdom includes a wide variety of living species, commonly known as fungi. They share some common characteristics and others more specific to the species or subgroup to which they belong. With complex...

Psilocybe Mushrooms or Holy Children

As many of us know, Mexico has an extensive culture beyond just food, arts, dance, or the different dialects or languages that, in addition to Spanish, are still spoken.  This issue occurs in one of the most emblematic, controversial states, with margins of poverty and one of the greatest...

Vitamin B 17 or Amygdalin

Cancer is one of the chronic diseases that represents the greatest morbidity and mortality in the population worldwide. Despite the existence of multiple conventional treatments with a certain degree of proven effectiveness, an increase in the trend of preference for alternative therapies by cancer patients has been reported. One...

Vitamin C and Its Benefits When Administered Intravenously

Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Unlike most mammals and other animals, humans cannot synthesize vitamin C and obtain it from the diet.  Functions of Vitamin C  Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is a potent reducing agent, easily donating electrons to recipient molecules. In relation to...

Glutathione and Its Benefits When Applied Intravenously 

Glutathione is an essential antioxidant and the main endogenous antioxidant the body produces from 3 amino acids (glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine), which play a crucial role in the protection and proper functioning of cells. Some of the benefits of Glutathione include:  Detoxification: Glutathione is critical for detoxification (it...

Biooxygenation or Peroxidation Therapy 

This type of treatment seeks to stimulate the production of oxygen within the body directly or indirectly; we have different forms, some are intravenous, and some can use other routes of administration, for example:  Hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy Zone therapy: which is a mixture of oxygen and ozone, and is generally used to strengthen...

Chelation Therapy Part 2 of 2

Some of the advantages of chelation include, Removal of heavy metals: Chelation is a process that helps remove toxic heavy metals from the body, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium, which can cause long-term health damage.  Improved cardiovascular health: EDTA chelation therapy has been used to treat coronary artery...

Chelation Therapy – Part One

In my daily practice, I always come across new things, some that I didn’t remember and others that were said to be very rare, in this case, poisoning by heavy metals, microplastics, complications such as Guillain-barré, autoimmune disorders such as lupus, eczema, psoriasis and other pathological entities where the...

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