Buying Safely in Mexico

The laws for consumer protection are the reason for the new NOM regulation telling the developers of new construction to register their purchase offers for approval from COFECO, the consumer protection agency for Mexico. Projects still in selling mode before September 19, 2022, are using their same contract as...

Can Siblings Actually Get Along? (Part Two)

Last week, I wrote about the amazing, wonderful, unrealistic ideas I had about parenting when I was a young mother. One of them was the idea that having children twenty months apart would result in inseparable playmates who would keep each other entertained. And I guess that was partly...

Can Siblings Actually Get Along? (Part One)

Sometimes I like to reflect a bit on some of the goals I had as a young mother. I shake my head and smile a little about how I considered these goals realistic and completely attainable. And I feel a great deal of compassion and a little bit of...

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