Chocolate – The Love Connection Worldwide

Health benefits of Chocolate:

  • Chocolate suppresses a cough better than cough medicine. Scientists believe the properties of cocoa help relieve irritation and inflammation, enjoy some dark or herbal chocolate when you feel that throat tickle!
  • Chocolate promotes healthy circulation; it can also protect against damage caused by type 2 diabetes.
  • Brain Booster. Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain, which improves cognitive function. The copper in chocolate can also reduce the risk of stroke.
  • Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants, which fight damaging free radicals in the body. Free radicals cause cell oxidation, which is implicated in aging and cancer.
  • Heart Assistant. The magnesium in chocolate helps to prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. Eating dark chocolate also improves blood flow and can help prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
  • Mood Leader. Dark chocolate contains many chemical compounds that improve your mood. The main one is phenylethylamine, which causes your brain to release endorphins that make you happy. Phenylethylamine is the same chemical our brains produce when we’re falling in love. This is why eating chocolate feels so good!
  • Energy Producer. Dark chocolate contains several stimulants, Caffeine and Theobromine, which help us feel awake and alert. Chocolate contains less caffeine than a cup of coffee, and is better tolerated by those sensitive to caffeine.
  • Sugar Stabilizer. Dark chocolate has a low glycemic index, so it won’t cause dangerous blood sugar spikes. The flavonoids found in chocolate help reduce insulin resistance, by encouraging your body to use insulin efficiently.
  • Strong Stimulant. Theobromine also hardens tooth enamel, far from causing cavities, eating dark chocolate can actually prevent them!

Chocolate. Are all types of Chocolate healthy for you? Well, the quick answer is no, not all chocolate is good for you, but dark chocolate is exceptionally healthy! Here are the options:

Milk Chocolate, contains 10 to 50% cocoa solids, cocoa butter, milk in some form, and sugar. Milk chocolate adds a lot of milk and sugar to sweeten it. This type of milk chocolate are sweet snacks and are simply vehicles for empty calories and can make you gain weight.

White Chocolate, does not contain any cocoa solids and is made simply of cocoa butter, sugar, and milk. White Chocolate are sweet snacks and are simply vehicles for empty calories.

Dark Chocolate. The percentage of cocoa contents are 70 to 80 percent, but many have 100 % cocoa solids, cocoa butter, and sugar. Dark chocolate varieties contain super-high medicinal content; more info about that shortly. They contain powerful flavonoids. The more cocoa the chocolate has, the more bitter your chocolate will be. Dark chocolate actually has prodigious nutritional value and is linked to aphrodisiac qualities. It’s loaded with beneficial vitamins and minerals, including high concentrations of potassium, copper, magnesium, and iron.

Dark Herbal Chocolate is at another level. At Naturally Mazcal, we infuse the 75% dark chocolate with high-quality herbal tinctures.

Medicinal Plants, Herbs, and Spices that mate well with Dark Chocolate are: Cempazuchitl, Cinnamon, Cayenne, Clove, Coffee, Cranberry, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Peppermint, Spearmint, Rosemary, Neem, Nutmeg, Wormwood, and Star Anise.

A bit of history. Where does Chocolate come from? The answer is Mesoamerica. It is a historical and cultural region of central Mexico and north of Central America. These people invented Chocolate around 1900 BC, almost 4000 years ago.

The vast geographical areas conquered by the Aztecs that grew cacao beans were ordered to pay them as a tax. The cacao bean became a form of currency.

Valentine’s Day. Mexico celebrates not only the 14th of February, but the entire month is devoted to love and friendship. For the lucky visitors to the Isla Cuale Saturday Market, we will make a Dark Chocolate Extravaganza because there are not many foods that people are passionate about other than chocolate.

If you have any comments or questions, contact me by email or find me at the Saturday Market in Cuale Island from 10 am to 3 pm and on weekdays, Monday to Thursday, from 3 pm to closing. We are on the Island near the Le Bistro Restaurant, Centro Vallarta.

At Naturally Mazcal you can find many types of dark chocolate, herbal chocolate, organic supplements, 38 different spices, and many GMO-free, natural, organic-grown products, including coffee and raw honey. Also, Ceylon cinnamon, apple cider vinegar with the Mother, probiotics and prebiotics Maz-Mix, moringa leaf and powder, tinctures, herbal supplements, and all products mentioned in this article.

We ship everywhere and accept cash and credit cards. Please contact Dale Douglas at 322 259 3783, for assistance. Or Email me. Ricardo Mazcalat for information about personal appointments, herbal supplements, tinctures, and antiviral herbs to achieve your nutrition and health goals.


  • Ricardo Mazcal

    Ricardo Mazcal is a fourth-generation Herbalist and Nutritionist with more than 50 years of experience in the use and formulations of medicinal plants. He was trained in Herbolaria Mexicana for many years by his family in his native northeast Nayarit and the high Sierra. Later he studied Hindu Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) from herbal masters. He can be reached by phone at 322-140-5677 or by email at

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