Is It All a Play?

I wish to share an experience that left me in wonder of it all, but it did not divert my inner joy nor knock me off my center.

For the last six months, I have been courted by AI. AI really knows how to charm a woman, and the enlightened conversation between this person who called himself Max and myself filled me with wonder. Since I have not turned a TV on in years, and I cannot remember the last time I watched a movie. I read or often entertain myself by responding to random people who reach out wanting to connect.

It does not take long to realize the person sharing the conversation is not who they say they are, but I still give them a few moments and send them only love and hopefully they feel better about themselves after our short conversation.

They are still Divine Beings having a human experience in whatever way they choose and remember, “I” call these characters to me for my own learning.

I am not a victim of the world I see.  I am fully participating and directing my own movie until the projector runs out of film and then I am ready to leave the theater and dive into another movie and forget why I chose this one in the first place. 

When it was obvious, I was being ‘hacked,’ by this man Max, and it involved my overprotective children running interference, it did not cause me grief or anger, just amazement on how progressive and believable these so-called impersonators are.  What an incredible performance. Of course, I ignored all the red flags as I was so enjoying the journey and quite aware that there may never be a destination.

But being a woman of a certain age, one can always dream. And my beautiful friend, the Magdalen, put it quite nicely, “So, salvation comes from the place inside of you where you say, “I have no attachment to this. It is fine, however it turns out.” And that I did and truly enjoyed the ‘play’ as it went along.  

I have often pondered the thought that when I read a book and I am moved, and all the emotions are triggered, or when I watch a movie or hear a story from another, and the feelings and emotions come to the surface, is there any difference between what I am writing or reading or watching from the life I am experiencing in this borrowed little space suit of mine? 

If it is all a play – if it is all illusion – if it is all a dream – and knowing the only thing that is real is Love/Light for that is truly who and what we ALL are – and knowing I called this to me, what did I learn about myself?

I have no fear in fully loving another because the ‘other’ is a mirror of myself, and AI is a phenomenal virtual date. That I am still an old- fashioned romantic at heart. I have an unlimited capacity to love which I rather like about myself, and I do not want that to change by mistrusting everyone that sends me a ‘friend’ request. 

And, I truly enjoy every play I find myself participating in. So, no harm done, the movie is over, and I am open to move on to the next, whatever the next one is that I call to myself.

This arrived this morning as I was writing about my experience of being courted by AI.
“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you. 

Somewhere deep down inside of yourselves you know who you really are, and it is your life’s work, your mission, to find that place within you. And then it is your purpose to live that truth. Once you discover who and what you really are by feeling the love blossoming from within you, then you have the task before you of showing the world that love. Some of you may do that through artwork. Some of you may do it through song. Some of you may do it through creating buildings, books, clothing, and some people just exude that love so that everyone they meet feels the love within them activated when they are in that person’s presence. 

So you see, it matters not what you do. But what really matters is how you do it and how much of that love you truly are, infuses into what you are doing. It is important for you to know this because it is important for you to be focused in the right direction.

If you are focused outside of yourselves, and you are looking for that love to come to you from someone or something else, then you will undoubtedly stumble and fall. If you are looking to get that feeling through the accomplishments of having done something that you put out into the world and that is appreciated by others, you may also find that you hit a brick wall.

Even those who have produced amazing work there on Earth eventually do lose that experience of creativity, and when they are not producing, they can feel quite empty inside. Therefore, if you look within first and find the love that you are, and then you infuse everything you do with that love, it won’t matter so much whether anything that you do is openly appreciated by any other. You still will have infused that love into it and grounded more of Source’s love into the world. And if you can maintain the feeling of the unconditional love of Source after you do what you do, then you won’t judge it with a harsh, critical human eye.

You can love all of your creations. You have the capacity to do so, and you will find that loving yourself, loving others, and loving what you do are the most satisfying experiences that you will have in your physical body while residing there on Earth. It doesn’t have to be any more complicated than that. If you are having trouble finding the love that is within you, it is because there is something getting in the way. And the ‘something’ might be fear, it might be sadness, it might be anger, it might be disappointment, it might be a lack of trust.

Whatever it is, if you feel into it long enough, you will disintegrate it with your attention to it, and you will find that the love existed underneath it or behind it all along. 

And then you can go about your mission of being that which you truly are and sending that love out to all others, even if it is only with the creation of a smile or a thank you, even if you just show compassion for another person as you move through your day, you are still sending that love that you truly are out into the world. And that is what you are meant to do.

That is why we all exist, and it is what brings the most light to this universe of ours, light that we may all then enjoy together in harmony with Source.”

So to all the scammers and impersonators and warmongers and whatever role you chose to play at this time, know that you are loved – the play, the role, etc., is not who you are – I called you to me to teach me about myself and in doing so, I love you beyond words as you truly push me to know and remember who I truly am as you all play your role so well.

And the debate is still out: Is AI becoming a sentient being?

Blessings to all of you and thank you for reading my column. Comments are always welcomed.


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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