If you want it to be better, read on!
Ricardo Mazcal has been a dedicated fourth-generation herbalist for more than 50 years. He has made thousands of herbal concoctions in his lifetime, but every now and again, something unexpectedly takes a different turn and, with some tweaking, can become an aphrodisiac. True story.
A few months ago, Ricardo was treating a client with a herpes lesion on his penis. A couple of drops of anti-viral Chilcoatl tincture sent his patient into agony. Okay, so pure Chilcoatl was too strong. That much was evident. He tinkered with other antibacterial/fungal/viral herbs, including diluted Chilcoatl, Affinine, added a bit of glycerin, and gave it to his patient. A couple of weeks later, the man came into Ricardo’s Market on the Isla Cuale and asked for more of the preparation.
Ricardo was shocked that the man’s lesion was still bothering him. His patient said sheepishly, “No, no, that’s long gone, but whatever you made for me makes me really horny, and my girlfriend loves it, too!”
Ricardo gave a sample to another patient suffering for decades with erectile dysfunction. He was back for more product within a couple of weeks. Another patient with premature ejaculation sent his wife back for a refill. She casually mentioned she had also been using it and left the shop smiling ear to ear.
So, what IS this miracle? It is called AFIN Libido Booster.
Where can you buy it? Naturally Mazcal’s Weekend Market on the Isla Cuale. Saturdays from 10 to 3.
A few testimonials:
“It took a few tries before I actually found the right spot instead of randomly spraying – and oh my, the magic potion does work. For those of a certain age, it does wake up what was once naturally vital and alive and it truly is an anti-aging serum for those of a certain age. Enjoy.”
“I applied a little AFIN, and it was a slightly strange sensation at first. The tingling immediately started, and I loved it, and then the expansion of warmth and well-being followed. My boyfriend really liked the experience and we want to repeat it. Diana C.”
“I used the AFIN Libido booster with my girlfriend, and she had a reaction of itching. We went to the Doctor and found that she had a mild vaginal infection. Because of the antibacterial effects, I suggested continuing to use the AFIN to eliminate the infection. The discomfort was reduced with every use. After the second week, the infection was gone, and the fun was maximized.”
AFIN works almost instantly for men and women, is edible, easy to use and inexpensive. This natural, herbal product could easily transport you back to your twenties. Get yours this weekend.