Of course, it will depend on your timeline… how much you’ve let go of the old patterns of doubt, fear, and lack AND moved into Trust, Love, and belief in Abundance.
11 is the master number involved in idealism, communication, and inspiration. Forward-thinking… focused on the future… it sees a different picture – a bigger world view, a newer world view. 11 pushes us into the Future. And this means intuition, inspiration, imagination, and innovation are our support team. 11 is the living embodiment of Buckminster Fuller’s – “Don’t fight against a system, figure out a new and better one. Be an architect in consciousness, not a victim.”
And 11 asks you – “Why not?”
When we listen carefully, 11 will point the way to building a new and better life – even while the chaos and corruption of the times rages on. Just keep in mind that you could experience disruption in one or more aspects of your life… see it as an opportunity to break you from your patterns and your Past: to jolt you out of the 3D matrix! Embrace it! See it as an ally… a chance to break out of the limitations and restrictions that have kept you in “victim” rather than “architect” mode.
What will support us during these upheavals? What will support us in gaining the insights to navigate challenges and opportunities wisely?
Could it be our Heart?
We do have major cosmic support this month coming in through the back door. 11 – when its factors (1+1) are added together, it reduces to a 2.
2 is the symbol of the divine feminine, the Heart with all its Trust and Love. Imbued with Loving Kindness, 2 has the ability to connect, cooperate, and unify. Chaos might be raining down — just remember, 2 is holding the umbrella for you! 2 is also the Peacemaker, diplomat, networker. As such, it assists our connecting the dots within, without.
2 sees the good and works with it in all negotiations, confrontations, and oppositions. 2 is a fabulously powerful Energy that – having been overlooked for so long – is now the major player in elevating our game.
Use this energy to your best advantage, for we are being called this month to activate this powerful 2 frequency to be grounded in the connection, cohesiveness, and solidarity with our Soul Self. To ground in the Peace, Love, and Joy of who we are and, in that way, create a new and better operating system in the world. It’s a very big deal this February!
What steps to take?
I suggest we pay attention and stay mindful of the encouragement we’ve been given the past couple of years. For some time, you’ve heard me say – “flip your narrative” and “change your focus”… “see the good, get good; see the negative, get negative.” More recently, I’ve been saying – “you get what you project!”
Remember – this is now an inside/outside game. Translation – your reality is a mirror of your inner life. Therefore, the focus at the moment is grounding within ourselves… doing whichever resonates for you to live in Peace, Love, and Abundance.
Very importantly – Trust, Trust,Trust! Trust your inner knowing! Trust that the Universe is your wingman! Trust you are in Divine Order as there does not seem to be recognizable order in our world today.
11 tells us we’re “on our own” and we’ll expand and succeed when we tap into our Heart (2). “Lead with the Heart, back up with Smart”… is the victory cry!
Yes, indeedy – that’s this month’s command! Get it together… build your Core in Trust, Love, and Abundance. It’s a necessity if you are to continue to grow and evolve and if we are to survive these transformative, crazy times!
So – I ask you: are you willing to transform? To let go of what’s inside you that triggers dissension, restlessness, and anxiety? Life is a projection. What are you making of it?
A quantum leap (11) can be yours this month in claiming and living your Truth, your Authenticity. It’s time to own your Power – your creativity and loving kindness – and live a fuller, richer life. 11 reminds us to move from “me to we” and that’s only done with Heart!