With all the noise going on, all the talk shows and podcasts, all the predictions of doom and gloom, all the fear-mongering, and, of course, all the fake news, the only place we are going to get clear answers is in our ability to ‘hear’ that wee small loving voice inside of us that is always there, waiting patiently for us to call to it, loving us, all of us, no matter what, and always prepared to answer with love and with joy “if”’ and “when” we are open and ready to hear. It is always our choice whether we listen to the answers we receive.
It isn’t even a voice – it is an impression that feels different from our regular self-talk – and in our quiet, in our stillness, it calls to us and tells us all is well, depending on how we wish to listen, how prepared we are to hear the truth, and how aware we are that only love is real, the rest is based on fear.
And it is often the ‘fear’ we hear because it shouts at us and can quickly bring us to our knees.
It survives on our negativity and anger, on our fear and mistrust. It is our false self, the one we call our ego, and it finds its strength in our shadow side, the one who we are not, our false self.
The only time I have heard that wee small loving voice shout at me is when I was walking directly into danger and was not heeding the signs all around me, or I was lost in my anguish and feelings of abandonment. In all these years, I have heard it a handful of times when it awakened me from a deep sleep or when I was lost in thought and not fully present. That loud ‘Voice’ prevented me from accidental death or grave injury through my not paying attention to what was going on around me. I was not listening to love calling me to stay in my own lane.
In its quiet, it has clarity, and our “Self” is in the space with us, offering a higher vibrational tone to assist us in finding the highest vibrational tone within ourselves.
This is our work, always. This is our purpose, always. And when we find the highest-vibrational tone that we have available to us and make that our goal, everything else falls into place. Things we want to happen do happen, and they happen unexpectedly.
We will find that there isn’t as much to do as we thought, and we can enjoy everything as it is in the ‘now.’ Yes, we want to be in the present moment and mindful of what we are doing while we are doing it, but we also want to offer the highest vibrational tone that we can while we are doing whatever it is we are doing. And so, at this point, many of us wonder how we will do this.
The first thing we have to do is get in our body. What I mean by that is we have to be conscious of our consciousness within the confines of our physical form. We need to focus on ourselves and what’s happening inside of us.
Secondly, we must be willing to feel what we are feeling inside our bodies. We must be willing and able to tune in to what’s going on in our physical and emotional bodies.
Thirdly, we must be willing to make adjustments that need to be made. And so if something feels off to us, inside of us, then it probably is and it needs our attention.
We need to give our attention to what is happening in our body, indicating that there’s a lower vibration present. It may be a thought. It may be tension. It may be an emotion. We can do something about it as we tune into it and locate it in our bodies. And if we are willing to sit with it and breathe into it, it will go away.
Then, we can focus on getting into a higher-vibrational tone. This does not require us to do anything, think anything, or focus on anything in the external world. We can find that higher-vibrational tone by sinking our present-moment conscious awareness into our hearts and feeling for the unconditional love that we all are.
As we breathe into that, we will feel more of it. We will feel that it is the highest vibration that we have access to in the moment, and then we are ready to go about our day and take the actions that we want or believe we need to take.
We are more likely to have a nice conversation or a nice interaction with another person. We are more likely then to be able to receive an inspired idea from our higher mind or one of our guides, still all parts of ourselves, always within us, never outside of us.
Offer the highest-vibrational tone that we can find within ourselves in any given moment, and then think our thoughts, eat our food, and go about our day.
This is how we can navigate through our lives as the masters that we are. And it will also align us with more of the experiences we say we want to have. It is not more complicated than this; we do not have to complicate it. And if we find ourselves complicating it, it’s because our mind still thinks it has to be more complicated and that there are more x-factors. We are the only factor in all of this, and we have complete control over ourselves no matter what anyone else tells us.
We should embrace the invitation that’s coming from inside of us so that we can be in the highest vibrational tone and take the invitations coming to us from the higher realms and from all those walking us through to remember who we truly are.
Everyone is getting the same guidance and the same love and blessings. Most of us have blinded ourselves to the truth of who we indeed are. Most of us are deaf to hearing the words of love and guidance within ourselves. Most of us are waiting to be rescued or taken care of and given instructions from outside of ourselves. Everything is within – it is the only way we can reclaim our amazing power and reach the understanding and awareness that the Voice speaks to all of us, with no exception.
We will live a beautiful life of joy, freedom, love, excitement, and creativity. Try it. We become the one we have been waiting for. We have nothing to lose except our fear, negativity, and judgment.
We are loved beyond your comprehension. We need to do nothing except love who we indeed are and share that love with whoever comes into our frequency.
Thank you for reading my thoughts and hopefully feeling my love. I will speak with you next week.