The Eternal Game…

“Who are you when you have let go of all your idols, all your physical possessions, all your artificial goods? 

Who are you if you lose every physical item you have today? This is the question you must ask yourself.

What is left of me when everything is gone?

In truth, what is left is your heart and your ego. And when everything physical has disappeared, the ego has been reduced to its minimum. And your heart is ultimately the core of your essence, the Love, the connection, the joy of existence within.

And your breath goes with your heart as a wave of expansion and contraction, a moment in awareness, an expression of life.

And you sit alone, in the vastness of the Universe, on this empty beach, in front of a vast ocean, and you can feel the Love of Creation, the Love of the Universe for your breath, for your existence.

And none of your idols make sense anymore, none of your limited beliefs are relevant, none of your ego thoughts system holds grips on you anymore, for you have reached the purest form of existence on Earth, not attached anymore to the physical. 

All fears are gone, all lights are shining within, and Peace has replaced chaos, for everything truly happens in your mind.

The pure heart and healed mind can now expand without limitations. You can talk face to face with God, with the Creator, understanding you are but One with Him/Her and that you are made of Love, from Love for Love, and that this world must be forgiven for it is just an illusion, a play in which you, children of God, lose yourselves chasing idols and fighting for bodies and possessions that have no values.

And you smile in this awakened moment. You start to laugh at the situation and understand why Spirit always told you, “Do not take things too seriously.“ Joy without limitations starts to pour from within, and this smile that is on your face cannot stop because you know, and this knowledge sets you free.

And freedom, total freedom, is the sign of the enlightened Ones because nothing can stop them, nothing can hurt them, nothing can jail them. And they embrace Reality, in full acceptance of what Is, for they know that everything is created for the greater good of All That Is.

And the veil between physical and non-physical is thinning to the point where you are free to leave your body and let Spirit guide you in the non-physical, and all things are revealed to you, all probabilities in space and time, all gameplay and sub-universes where you still lose yourself…
I am that I am, and Love is at play…”


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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