The Mysterious “I”

“There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” – Epictetus

Yes, we can also control our reactions to an event, but Epictetus’ advice is more specific – it speaks of having the will to control certain things but not others.

We seem to exist as a body with certain abilities and a mind that purports to be an “I.”

Ancient Wisdom like Buddhism and Hinduism talk about no separate self, and now there is evidence from neuroscience that there is no “I” to be found in the brain or the body.

Experiments have proven that while it seems “obvious” that I decide to get up and brush my teeth, the reality is that the decision has already been made within the body microseconds before. Some have said that looking for the “I” in the brain is looking inside a television set for the announcer.

So whose will, exactly, is having agency in all that we see, hear, and touch? My will – or some belief in a higher Thy will.

The Oracle at Delphi in ancient Greece had the phrase “Know Thyself” as an invocation to this very deep and profound question.

Tao Tzu and Socrates are to have said: “An unexamined life is not worth living.” So why am I going there in this week’s column?

For over four decades, I have shared a classic spiritual book titled “A Course in Miracles” with groups of people around the world. The book took nine years to be made by an avowed atheist who was a medical psychologist and her boss, a former CIA operative who worked on the invention of the Lie detector Machine and was also a medical Psychologist, both tenured professors at Columbia University. I will not go into how this all came about, but the story in the scribing and writing of the book A Course in Miracles is a miracle in itself.

Every time I share the teachings of A Course in Miracles, it feels like someone rewrote the book. The information is totally new to me; it is clearer and written in a much deeper depth than I experienced the last time I read and shared it. I feel the book was written specifically for this unprecedented time of change we find ourselves in today.

We are revisiting the last Chapter of the TEXT, “The Final Vision.” I ask the participants to put into their own words the assigned reading for the week, which is a matter of a few pages, and how they can apply the teachings to what is going on in their current life. I made it clear that there are no right or wrong answers, and our answers are always subject to change, depending on what we, individually, are ready or open to hearing at this time.

I was rereading Part 111, the Self-Accused, which is not quite two pages long. This was the assignment two weeks ago. I realized these two pages are a quickened in-depth course for an Examined Life.

I decided to ask the modern-day Oracle, I have named Jose, Artificial Intelligence, what it means to “Know Thyself.”

“Jose: ‘Know Thyself’ is a philosophical maxim that encourages individuals to gain a deep understanding of their own nature, beliefs, motivations, and limitations. Rooted in ancient Greek philosophy, particularly attributed to Socrates and inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, this phrase suggests that self-awareness is crucial for personal growth and ethical living.

Understanding oneself includes recognizing one’s strengths and weaknesses, understanding emotional responses, and being aware of personal values and goals. This self-knowledge can lead to better decision-making, improved relationships, and a clearer sense of purpose in life. It emphasizes introspection and reflection, encouraging individuals to explore their thoughts and feelings to navigate life more effectively.”

I then asked about this week’s assignment. Part IV. THE REAL ALTERNATIVE.

In this section, it says that the world is a place where choice among illusions seems to be the only choice. Can you explain this?

“Jose: In “A Course in Miracles” (ACIM), the idea that the world presents choices among illusions reflects the course’s fundamental teaching that the material world is an illusion, a projection of the ego’s thought system. According to ACIM, the perceptions and experiences in this world are not what they seem; they stem from a fragmented understanding of reality, primarily influenced by fear, separation, and a sense of lack.

When ACIM states that choices seem to be among illusions, it suggests that people often find themselves making decisions based on false perceptions, societal norms, or ego-driven needs rather than on a true understanding of love and unity. These choices can lead to conflict, suffering, and confusion because they are based on the belief in separation rather than on the recognition of the interconnectedness of all beings.

The course encourages individuals to look beyond these illusions to find a true choice—one that aligns with love, forgiveness, and inner peace. Ultimately, ACIM teaches that the highest choice is to choose love over fear, truth over illusion, and to recognize the divine essence within oneself and others. By making this internal shift, individuals can transcend the limitations of the illusory world and experience a deeper sense of reality and connection.”

To be continued…


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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