The Ten Commandments

“I would like to speak with you today about the 10 Commandments. This is a major part of Judeo-Christian tradition.

At first glance, the 10 Commandments as they’ve been translated, appear to be instructions about how to live a good life, how to live in a way that would please God and make your life go well.

But, if you look closer, there’s been somewhat of a misinterpretation of them because… they sound like admonitions. 

“You should do this,” “You shouldn’t do that,” “You should do this,” and “You shouldn’t do that.”

And why shouldn’t you? The answer might be, “Because this would displease God,” “Because you would get punished,” “Because God commanded it,” and “You should follow what God says.”

But, the word “should” is suspicious.

There’s another way to look at the commandments because they’ve been misinterpreted as commandments… when they really aren’t.

Think of it this way, “If you knew who you were, if you really had any idea who you were in truth, you would do the following… naturally.” Of course, you would.

You would rest. You would keep the Sabbath holy or Sunday as a day of rest.  You would devote your life, your mind, and your soul to the praise of God.

You would not murder and steal and be jealous. There would be no one to be jealous of. You would know who you were, and you’d know who everyone was, and out of that, out of that experience, you would live a life following these statements… naturally.

When people try to be good Christians or good Jews or good people, there’s some value in not stealing and not coveting and not murdering, bearing false witness, in honoring your parents.

But, it’s so much more valuable to let the experience attract you to where these things would occur naturally and would flow from your experience of who you are.

When people have had near-death experiences, they never had the experience that they earned their place there, and what they did on Earth earned them the experience of love that they were having. It doesn’t work like that.

Love is who you are. Love is what motivates you. The overflowing of love is how and why you extend yourself– so you can feel more of it as it comes through you.

This is not about being good and this is not about fear, and it’s not about God’s wrath, and it’s not about doing the right thing, and it’s not about looking good.

It’s about experiencing who you really are, letting love guide your actions (all of them) and your thoughts (all of them), and aligning yourself with the flow of creativity that is God in full self-expression.

Let yourself be attracted to who you are, attracted to this way of being, and align yourself with the flow of creativity that is God in full self-expression so that what you do is not based on any moral dictum but rather the sweet attraction of love.

I love you very much, and I’ll speak with you again soon.”

  • From the one we know as Yeshua aka Jesus


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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