I have been asked if I would write about our pets and other animals and how this time of change affects them all. Finally, I will also include messages from the plant kingdom that will not surprise you if you follow the latest studies and the science behind the “secret life of plants.”
We hosted an international “lightworkers gathering” at Casa Karma a few years ago. Mother Earth – Gaia’s – words welcomed us and set the pace for what we accomplished in a few short days. As we were closing the weekend, the animal kingdom honored us, thanked us for opening a vital energy portal. A pod of whales came close to shore and chose to breach directly in front of us for honoring the planet.
Now, I will ask her again to speak to us and give us some clarity with messages from the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom.
I will write this as a three-part series as it is difficult to keep this short; there is too much to share.
Mother Earth, Gaia, is the spokesperson for the animal kingdom, and this is what she has to say. Remember that Gaia, Earth, is a soul that has chosen to have a planetary experience and is also going through a growth spurt. Hopefully, she will not shrug us off as we have been very badly behaved guests.
Gaia, Mother Earth:
“You are part of me, my elements course through your body, and you would not exist as a human without me. I am your Earth Mother; I am your friend. You have forgotten you are part of nature. You are not a body with a soul; you are a soul who has taken on a body, and that body is made of flesh and blood. If you pay attention, you can feel my essence, my heart inside you.
Humanity now seems to be in opposition to nature. You have forgotten your natural part, that nature that dwells inside you.
I will not go on about how humanity is threatening to destroy nature, the very system that supports you living on this planet. The disrespect of nature reflects a disrespect towards yourself, and your religions condemn your own animal nature; they see it as sinful and not part of the divine that is in everyone.
The animal kingdom is in close proximity to the human kingdom, and in a way, the animals travel with you as you go through your cycles of human lifetimes, and now you are on a massive journey of evolution, increasing self-awareness, and the animal kingdom is influenced by what humanity is going through.
Initially, animals were created to be your friends. Your companions and there are animals who give their life to you in the form of their flesh. The original agreement was that they were willing to offer their lives, but only if they were treated with respect and if the act of eating their flesh was surrounded by a sense of gratitude and appreciation. Today, especially in intensive livestock farming, it is a terrible violation of this original agreement.
There is truly a love inside the animal kingdom for you, humanity, and a sense of trust and surrender. The animals want to learn from you. Humans have a type of consciousness that animals do not have. Humans have the ability for self-awareness, which gives them freedom, free choice, and the ability to rise above, to some extent, their animal instincts.
The animals, in their own way, admire that in humans, and they want to be around you and taste this type of awareness, this type of consciousness you have.
They are in a process of growth, and what happens in this process depends on how you treat your pets. As you love them, you call them by their names, and by doing this, by acknowledging their individuality, you awaken something inside of them.
Many of you have a deep and special bond with your chosen pets, and by sharing your love and devotion with them, they give you something precious. They connect with your own animal nature, your spontaneity, your joy, and your generosity. They set you free from some of the limitations that collective human consciousness has put on you. And they bring you back in touch with a natural part of you that is simple, almost childlike, but essential to your spiritual growth.”
To be continued…
Thank you for reading my words and for your generous comments. We are all interconnected, and everyone is a mirror image of each other, so it is hard to judge another – you are simply judging parts of yourself that are left unhealed. Be gentle with yourself; in so doing, you will be gentle with each other.
I love you as you are part of me as we are part of Mother Earth and all that lives on and in this beautiful jewel we call home. We are all interconnected; remember, your thoughts, feelings, and imagination create the life you are experiencing.