Bogota Rules – Then and Now

While living in Bogota, Colombia, back in the early 1970s, there were very few non-Latins around, being the mercenaries from Vietnam looking for work with the M 13 or Pablito, draft dodgers, adventurers, and other kids.  No matter the circumstances of our getting there, we hung out and helped each other...

The Power of Now

Looking back on a piece I wrote many years ago, and feeling it still holds water.  Who am I, you, they, etc.? Human being, spiritual being, student, teacher, Mom, Elder, storyteller, fire builder, garden worker. Recently, I came to a space in my life that I had long waited for....

Yoga Increases Memory Cognizance 

Now they tell us? New research suggests that yoga and meditation can give you a flexible body and inner peace, and combining the two could help improve cognitive function. The study, led by a team of researchers from UCLA and Australia's University of Adelaide, is the first to compare yoga...

Moringa Trees, a Local Super Food

We planted two trees when we opened Organic Select on Francia Street in Versalles. Of course, that was 10 years ago when Versalles was a slower-moving colonia with single-family homes and gardens. Those trees were Moringa and Neem stuck in truck tires painted green to let the community know...

Acupuncture for Chronic Pain

I recently saw a bunch of my friends at a lovely cocktail party in Marina Vallarta. These families or individuals came to Puerto Vallarta looking for something, love, money, whatever.  We built careers, marriages, and businesses and watched our kids grow up together. I noticed prevalent physical pain in...

Cleaning out the Closet and Other Stuff

One of my 'friends' dropped in a few days ago as she had time to kill while waiting for another friend to finish shopping in a nearby commercial center. The 'friend' is one of those who show up at the moment with a highly dramatized plea for an item...

Essential Oils and Wellness

Those into those things, meaning vibration or energy patterns known in the scientific world as Hz (a hertz is a unit of frequency), will get this quickly.  Our body, with its soft and dense tissues, organs, and mass, all have a distinctive Hz value, which changes with thought and diet.  A healthy...

How to be a Perfect Host

What does it take to be a perfect host? Let's start with being hospitable. Then, create an environment that is easy to be in, comfortable, and inviting. Anticipate your guest's wants and needs. Be generous with food and drink. Respect shared spaces. Make a good and welcoming entrance to...

Acupuncture for Stress, Anxiety and Pain

It seems more than before we are under a lot of stress and anxiety. Which include all generations, our youngest school agers with rising lack of focus and concentration abilities, the teens, and especially young adults. It seems to be in epidemic proportions. The popular drugs aren’t...

Anxiety Spares No One

Being a member of the wellness community here in Vallarta, I have seen an increase in anxiety in patients of all ages and from all walks of life. Anxiety has no boundaries; it affects us all.   Clearly, the state of our collective affairs and the pace of things keep...

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