Kiss the Joy, My Friends!

Merry March? Manic March? Magnificent March? What will it be? Chances are you’ll experience moments of all three as there is nothing quiet or stable about the Quantum, the Universal Field, this month. In fact, the energies are wild and wooly, pushing us to go deeper within and determine our life from that...

Taking the Quantum Leap!

Of course, it will depend on your timeline… how much you’ve let go of the old patterns of doubt, fear, and lack AND moved into Trust, Love, and belief in Abundance.  11 is the master number involved in idealism, communication, and inspiration. Forward-thinking… focused on the future… it sees a different picture –...

Side with Love!

2025 is a watershed year in our history that promises excellent opportunities for your growth and spiritual evolution. I wish you to continue to walk your path of love, joy, and trust, and you will make your dreams a reality. I’d also like to thank you for the ongoing support and love...

Mariposa Magic!

Dear Friends,December 2024 holds a remarkable option for each of us with its 11/2 Quantum Field Frequency that symbolizes the Light… Light laced with Love! 11 – the frequency of inspiration, imagination, initiation is closely aligned with the 2 vibration of collaboration, connection, co-operation and cohesiveness. It isn't often that these two...

One Love: You are the Magic!

The 1 Frequency this November ushers in an entirely new chapter in manifesting. It's time to talk the talk, walk the walk, and wear your Heart on your sleeve! The 1 Vibration always indicates new beginnings, fresh starts, and a new chapter opening up to brighter, more fulfilling days. Now's the hour to act on the inner...

Going! Going! Gone! Rebuild a New Life!

Last month, I wrote and talked about the crystalline energy incoming from the cosmos and how to adopt it into our Heart… to generate a Heart-based Power! This month the double dip of 8, representing our new Power and Authority is to be explored as the 9 Vibrational Field is now operating. How do...

Take the Lead!

It’s time to step up, take courage to make bold decisions to create your future, your better tomorrow. Yes! The Power 8 Frequency is back again! And this month we are charged with a double dip of Power and Authority as the 8 Universal Month links to the 8 Universal Year of 2024. No way...

Do YOU Believe in You?

We're blessed this month with the magical, mystical 7 Frequency in our Affirmative Energy Field. Seven is a spiritual symbol of Faith, Trust and Truth in oneself and our connection to Source. We are in the most potent month of the year for consolidating and integrating the shifts we've made into becoming an...

Give Yourself a Daily Dose of Sunshine!  

The recent full moon in Capricorn signaled that our inner journey to reclaim our Power has come full circle, and we have reached a plateau.  Plateaus always offer rest and respite from a journey. For now, under the auspices of Cancer, we're quietly asked to move into self-love, appreciation and nurturing...

The Most Outrageous Month Is Here!

Happy June! Bringing in beautiful opportunities and blessings for your happiness and well-being. Bursting with the higher frequencies of solar flares, increased photon light and magnetic waves, the crisscrossed timelines create space for us to move into a new dimension where Love, Light and Joy are fully activated. Under the impact of these changing cosmic...

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