Angels and Brilliant Quirky Mashups

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, July 13 to 19 Monday What a perfectly glorious morning with an almost clear sky and no rain last night. Today should be the actual start of rainy season, where we have a knockdown drag-out, terrifying storm, with rain so hard you can't see across...

Building an Elevator in Vallarta

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, July 6 - 12 Monday When my sister Patrice was here in November last year, she bought me a large daytimer from Office Depot for my birthday. I really needed the extra space to jot notes for appointments, shows, meetings (lots of meetings!) and reminders....

Red, White and Add Some Blue

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, June 29 - July 05 Monday Happy Birthday, Canada! A 157 years old today. There are lots of parades going on in celebration and tons of poutine, perogies, and beer to be consumed - enjoy my beloved 'Old Country.' The second bingo in Act2 history took...

The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, June 15 - 21 Monday A gentle rain is falling, and the grey skies are soft and unthreatening; it is a good morning to go back to bed and indulge in another hour's rest. The temptation... My beautiful kitty, Bogie, has been with me for...

Patrice Has Left the Building!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, June 08 - 14 Monday What a great weekend! I did virtually nothing and didn't even leave my house on Sunday. I played in my tiny garden and my kitchen, stocking up my freezer for the next couple of weeks. It was lazy, indulgent, and...

Our Wildly Wonderful Week!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, May 31 - June 07 Monday Last Friday afternoon, festivities started with a pop-up concert at La Catrina Cantina with Spencer Day and Luis Villanueva. It was absolutely fantastic! They only had a few hours to rehearse, but the result was 90 minutes of gorgeous...

Bye, Bye Pride!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, May 25 to May 31 Monday Is everybody happily exhausted from Pride? I haven't read any numbers yet, but it certainly seemed that everyone had a gay old time. I joined dozens of friends and neighbors up the street at Jim and Sean's house for...

Lunch and Brunch; Bogie and Joy

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, May 17 - 23 Monday Pride Week starts today - it's going to be great! Pool parties, bar hopping, lectures, fashion shows, doggie walks, beach parties, and the best, most joyful parade ever. Selena Luna and I met at Coco's Kitchen for lunch last week....

From Sadness to Utter Joy

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, May 10 to 16 Monday It's hard to write this morning. I spent Mother's Day saying goodbye to my last kitty. Miri was 19 and failing and was ready - we were both ready, for her to join her two sisters, Diani, who lived less...

An Interview and Vallarta Garden Club Fiesta

Recap: Good Morning From Here, May 03 - 09  MondayGet ready Vallarta: M Y S I S T E R I S C O M I N G! Dates to be announced but it will be early June. Forty-eight hours after his explosive debut as Hedwig (and her) Angry Inch, Jordon Carnegie and I sat down...

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