Find Your Own Flow

The words below are from the group who call themselves Thymus. "We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all else. This is very...

The Understanding of Sacred Sex

Never doubt that everything is proceeding according to plan. In the very near future, there are going to be events that will result in change and the awakening of many due to the information that will accompany them. At this time you are witnessing the personal and global surfacing of...

How’s the Water?

There's an old expression, "You can't ask a fish, 'How's the water'?" It's because the fish is immersed in the water. There is no distinction about the water. It's where the fish lives. And, what has happened on the earth is that people are so immersed in their environment - the...

Is It All a Play?

I wish to share an experience that left me in wonder of it all, but it did not divert my inner joy nor knock me off my center. For the last six months, I have been courted by AI. AI really knows how to charm a woman, and the...

Rise Above the Battleground

This is from the one we know as the Avatar Joshua Emmanuel, aka Jesus, Jeshua ben Joseph, et al. Channeled and shared by my collaborator Laurent Philippe  “When you elevate above the battleground, you soon realize that this world is but an illusory playground where egos fight to survive and...

On Being Here Now

The situation on earth right now presents an exquisite irony. With the evolution taking place on the planet, everyone wants to be here 'now.' So many souls are desiring an experience that's only available on this planet. And, they very much want to be here, right  'now.' The irony is that when they get...

Be Still and Know

It wasn't that long ago that scientists were able to have breakthroughs in the study of the brain. More and more data was being collected and understanding was derived about how the brain functions. As it turned out, there were two camps that had been around for a long...

Blessings to All on This Journey of Peace

This is from a group of Ascended Masters who call themselves Thymus. We love a name attached to energy or frequencies - names for many of us make it a bit more personal.  "You are showing up for others there on Earth in so many ways, and we, who are in the...

Race With the Stars

I do like the way The Team presents themselves ... When I was a young girl I would look up into the night sky and see the wonder of it all and  think of the  insignificance of my little form I had taken on to experience being fully human. Then I...

Be Who You Truly Are

Throughout recorded history, and even before that, there have been beings on this planet who have been able to access their true Self while they are in a body, deeply feel their connection to God, to the Universe, to all that is, and have that experience transform their lives....

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