Parenting While Sick

I vividly remember being sick as a parent with young children. I think the experience must be like army boot camp. You stumble through the day, muddy and exhausted, with body parts aching, but there’s no rest. And that’s because a drill sergeant is shrieking in your face making...

Pumpkin Expectations

Last weekend, I went with a colleague to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, for an early childhood teacher’s conference. While I didn’t originally decide to write a traveler’s guide to Monterrey for my column this week, I think this is a good time to share a few interesting things about Monterrey...

Can Siblings Actually Get Along? (Part Two)

Last week, I wrote about the amazing, wonderful, unrealistic ideas I had about parenting when I was a young mother. One of them was the idea that having children twenty months apart would result in inseparable playmates who would keep each other entertained. And I guess that was partly...

Can Siblings Actually Get Along? (Part One)

Sometimes I like to reflect a bit on some of the goals I had as a young mother. I shake my head and smile a little about how I considered these goals realistic and completely attainable. And I feel a great deal of compassion and a little bit of...

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