Do You Have the Courage to Change?

Whether you are trying to improve a relationship, get through a divorce, heal past traumas, resolve family of origin issues, heal the inner child, or confront an addiction, you are suffering and seeking change. Some people try to handle everything alone, while others turn to friends, some attend support...

The Power of Gratitude

After just coming through Thanksgiving, most of us became more aware of the need to feel thankful and grateful for many of the wonderful blessings in our lives. Maintaining that attitude is more difficult, and we tend to regress into an attitude of despair or 'lack of,' or focus...

Holiday Time, Family Time. Happy Time?

How is everyone doing now that the holiday season is upon us? There are various ways the upcoming holidays are impacting each of you. Some may be spending it away from family by choice or circumstance, and some may be enthusiastically preparing to celebrate and gather with family and...

Are We Communicating Yet?

Communication problems are very common whether it is between family members, friends, work colleagues, or an intimate relationship. How many times have you said “That’s not what I said” or had someone accusingly say “You are not listening”? It can be very frustrating to feel like you are being...

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