Join the celebration of life, culture, and togetherness at the 3rd Annual Isla de los Muertos Festival on Friday, November 1st, from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. With Casa Karma proudly serving as the presenting sponsor, this family-friendly event, offers a vibrant experience of Mexican traditions surrounding Día de los...
I recently read a thought-provoking article on what is evidently now being called “No-contact families.” What surprised me was how increasingly common it’s evidently becoming…. And that surprise led me to a deeper disappointment about present-day humans.
Growing up watching The Cleavers, The Brady’s, even The Partridge Family….. my home...
Dia de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is an important celebration in Mexico. It is a social and religious ritual with a parade and all-night candlelight vigils at the graves of family members in local cemeteries.
The whole occasion is festive, and everyone talks of the dead as...
Yesterday, I finally accomplished something I've been wanting to accomplish for many years: I watched all three LORD OF THE RINGS movies in succession on the same day. It was, indeed, wonderful to experience the entire story in one sitting – but it's also the first time I've seen...
The other night, while needing a bit of a boost, my wife and I went down a YouTube rabbit hole of L'Oréal commercials aimed at boosting the viewer's self-esteem.
"Because you're worth it," was said over and over again by a glittering array of talented, successful women of all ages...
We all have our personal heroes – or at least we should. Many of my friends and I lost one of ours this past weekend when Dame Maggie Smith died.
I've been a fan of hers since teenhood, a devoted "follower" since my early 20s. She could brilliantly do comedicly...
I remember that waaaaaay back in my Junior High School years, we had to read the play, watch the film, and discuss "Life With Father" – and (it seemed to me) the primary focus of making us study that was to fully understand the need to "write what you...
It's the morning after the first show. It was enormously successful, and I'd like to share some of my personal glamorous bits because I do lead and always have led a personally glamorous celebrity existence.
I discovered the maid or the assistant or my butler or my driver had not...
My professional life has primarily been spent in the study of America’s great songwriters – beginning with my early infatuation with the songs of Cole Porter and then unavoidably spreading over to Rodgers & Hart, Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Frank Loesser, Jule Styne, Johnny Mercer, Sammy Cahn, et al. It’s...
I was watching an interview with Ryan Reynolds yesterday (I very much enjoy him), and he said, "If you're listening when you're making a movie, the movie will talk to you - sometimes YELL at you! - to tell you what it needs. You can have everything mapped out...