Dear Members and Friends of the Garden,
With high hopes and enthusiasm we at the Vallarta Botanical Garden begin this year with big wishes and excitement for the year ahead, and hope we will be seeing you soon.
Last year was not without some extreme challenges such as Category 4 Hurricane...
This will be my last column of 2023. Imagine, another year has run its course. It feels like we were welcoming it in only a few months ago.
There was a wonderful performer named Louis Armstrong. He was an amazing trumpet player. He could hit notes that were so high...
Many of us took time over the last month with friends and family, some away from Vallarta, some here. Much to celebrate. Being alive. Being with people. Beauty. There were concerts, movies, parties, dinners, worship, practices, etc.
Some of us relished the quiet.
In this new year, in this...
Today, the prevailing morning light is grey and gold, and the rain has softened the ground enough to plant the four fruit trees I bought because they were at TSC on sale for almost nothing and because I didn't have enough to do already, I was so excited!
Today’s crossword focuses on articles published in Vallarta Mirror over the past week.
Need a clue? View all articles published from December 24-30, 2023.
I'm typing this on Christmas Eve as my husband watches The Grinch Steal Christmas on TV, my daughter sleeping beside him on the couch. The Christmas tree is softly lit before me, guarding the wrapped gifts underneath. Best of all, my son is upstairs in his room after five...
In the past few years, we have often heard the words 'Awake or Awakened' in a conversation. "This person is awake, or this person has awakened …" Some of us wonder what they are talking about; what does that mean to be awake or awakened?
There's a much-beloved song...
Today’s crossword focuses on articles published in Vallarta Mirror over the past week.
Need a clue? View all articles published from December 17-23, 2023.
It never fails when you are a parent, am I right? You get past MILE ONE in your car, and a sweet little voice pipes up, "I have to go to the bathroom! It's a 'mergency!" Or you spend all evening and patience and tears doing the math homework...