I Am Never Upset For The Reason I Think

When you find yourself in an emotional state that you might call “stressed out” or “overwhelmed,” there’s a tendency to not realize the context in which the upset is taking place.

Things that bother you will seem to have their own external cause, and you are the effect. You can point outward – expectations that weren’t met, intentions that were thwarted, conversations that needed to be had haven’t taken place. And so, they’re cranking around in your head.

But all of that pulls you away from the solution.

The temptation is to believe that if something out there could be fixed, if you could just get an outcome that you wanted, if you could just complete a task that’s bothering you or upsetting you – then you would have peace. And then, you could finally feel okay again. That would restore you.

But it’s a very powerless position because you don’t have a lot of control over what’s happening out there.

You need to recognize the context from which you’re trying to solve these problems to make the appropriate move, action, or shift to resolve them.

The problems aren’t out there. The problems are inside of you, inside of your consciousness and what you’re paying attention to.

First, recognize that you are in the land of craziness and that you can’t get there from here. There is no solution on this level. The solution lies, number one, in recognizing where you are.

You must have chosen unwisely because you are not at peace. And this is your opportunity to choose again, to ask whatever form of guidance that works for you or your “Higher Self” to help you choose again so that you can be restored to where there are no problems.

Interestingly, the answer to most issues starts with your willingness to slow down. There’s a frenzy to your thoughts. There’s a speed at which things are happening. And, if you recognize how crazy that is, just slow down.

Take a breath. Wait before you speak. Notice what you notice without any judgment. Listen to your body. Even though the body is an illusion, there’s more truth in the body than in your thoughts.

Pay attention to the sensations happening within. Notice your posture, the speed, and the depth of your breath. Put your feet on the ground and watch the problems recede into the background.

Peace is underneath all of that. Love is underneath all of that for you to experience. So, one of the most powerful things you can do is recognize when you are in Crazyland and step away. Don’t try to solve the problems on that level.

Bring yourself to a place where no problems exist– which is the awareness of your ‘Self,’ the love that you are, the love that everyone is.

What you’ll be in touch with is compassion for yourself and for everyone, acceptance that what you see has everything to do with where you’re coming from. And, not what’s out there.

It’s not easy to do this by yourself, but you’re not alone. Ask for help. Ask for help (Higher Self) or guidance with which you are currently aligned.  Ask for help from anywhere you can get it and allow that to restore you to yourSelf.

Many of the issues will resolve themselves from that point.

It’s okay. At the end of every forget… we remember.


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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