Meet Black Jaguar, Ek Balam – Child Prodigy Painter

In the Mayan language, Ek Balam means Black Jaguar. This adorable cub celebrated his 5th birthday less than a month ago and has been painting since he was two. His first painting exhibition was held yesterday, featuring an awe-inspiring original collection of his artwork.

The reception was uniformly rated as fantastic and, by popular demand, we are going to celebrate a second exhibition and invite you to personally experience the wonder of this young maestro’s talent well worth the few steps from the Marina’s Thursday evening market at Gringo Restaurant, Timon-1, El Faro, Marina Vallarta (near the lighthouse), on Thursday, March 20, from 2 – 7 p.m. (And come and discover the Gringo Restaurant and Notorious upstairs Bar’s professional kitchen with enticing aromas wafting in the open air. A newer player in the local restaurant scene, and well worth the discovery.)

Ek Balam began painting with Crayola, and his first works are in his grandmother’s private collection, never to be sold. Since then, he has been using acrylics, on canvases stretched over solid wooden frames built by his father. Ek Balam’s talented mother took painting classes while she was expecting their son. His father builds the wooden frames for the canvasses. His mother is the boy’s favorite assistant. 

Ek Balam’s colorful abstract style, sometimes using fluorescent paints visible with black light, reflects the vibrant colors of Mexico and is reminiscent of Jackson Pollock, although the family was not aware of the latter until recently.

Ek Balam’s painting style has changed colors, moods, and shapes, according to his inspiration or the passage of time. Besides paintbrushes, he uses various objects to apply the colors.

Ek Balam is interested in several musical instruments, and although he has been studying the violin only for a couple of months, his enthusiastic teacher says the child plays at the level of a first-year student.

His family is supportive of his creativity without influencing it. 

Ek Balam is saving up for a bicycle, and any funds above that from the sale of his canvasses will all go toward his education.

His older sister Aquetzali (Mayan for Precious Water), 11 years old, is a talented flautist, and a member of the Vallarta Symphony Orchestra and of the latter’s jazz group. She, too, paints.

Do please spread the word about this young artist taking the first steps of his moment in the sun; consider choosing one of his paintings for your collection and being one of those who can say: “I was there when he was first discovered…”.

Ek Balam’s work is affordable, for the moment, and begins at only $25 USD for a piece of original art. Mark your calendar right now from 2 to 7 p.m. and bring enough money to purchase several of these stunning original signed pieces – before his work is priced out of your budget. P.S. The prices have already gone up 10% since the first exhibition. Buy and enjoy the beauty of this young man’s creative force.


  • Carla Piringer

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