Side with Love!

2025 is a watershed year in our history that promises excellent opportunities for your growth and spiritual evolution. I wish you to continue to walk your path of love, joy, and trust, and you will make your dreams a reality.

I’d also like to thank you for the ongoing support and love you have given me these past years. Your presence has made my work infinitely more fulfilling and rewarding. Because of you, I have gained so much in wisdom, love, and compassion. I take you with me wherever I go.

May you be as blessed as your presence has been for me. 

2025 resonates to the 9 Numerological vibration. Therefore, this year holds a 9 Universal Field, or Year. What’s it all about, then?

9 is the cosmic view where “me” becomes “we.” It symbolizes the unity, and connection of all things – great and small – where we experience the wholeness, a greater sense of well-being from within. It is the last step in a cycle of evolution – where an integration of body-mind-heart occurs according to your timeline. 

Therefore – 9 deals with completions and endings – the alpha omega in life. Here, the end becomes the beginning, and here, we synchronize ourselves with the high-octane energies of Unconditional Love, Joy and Compassion when we let go of the past: the doubt, fear, and lack-mentality that generated so much sadness.

In our new state of Being, there is a generosity of Spirit that asks us to consciously recognize the unity (wholeness) within as well as without. 2025 sets The Field for us to clean up any residual issues from unmet needs in order to move into the cosmic view, seeing all as one!

9 holds challenges for us all, of course. We still live in duality and its off-shoot – polarity. To leave this system means to stop the “judgy” and simply allow people to be who they are, differing opinions and all, without the blame, shame, and make-wrong routines. The secret is that this is very easy to implement when you recognize and live by your own perfection.

And this now becomes very simple to do as we can easily let go of the “fix me” approach to ourselves and replace it with “honor and celebrate me.” 

(9 = 3×3. Remember, 3 the number of happiness through truth.) Please hold this in your awareness – your choices determine whether you graduate from 3rd or 4th dimension or stay as is! 

You may have sensed by now, that this 9 and all the years before, is moving us into a position of Empowerment. Empowerment is your confidence in your abilities to love and create. You have been taking back your Power… by being willing to let go of the victim, the bystander and become the architect of your Consciousness, of your life. You then become the active Co-Creator! No longer words… living words!

What is left for you to do – is your call! No one can make it for you. You are in charge of you now. 9 is process-oriented, calling us to stop judging, or stop personalizing and internalizing everything. Focus on the good and beauty in life. See good, get good. See negative, get negative. Live with Heart, with the generosity of Spirit and voice of the Soul. To acknowledge the oneness, the connection of all – within and without- to raise our frequency and that of the planet.

And where does the 1 frequency of January come in? We figure the 1 Vibration by adding the 1 representing the first calendar month of the year (January) with the 9 Universal Year of 2025.

1 is mental. 1 is masculine. The action of this 1 is mental clarity. This is essential before you take action on your dreams, plans, or goals. 1 is innovative, inspired, imaginative, and supportive in its leadership role. 1 is optimistic and leads through Joy.

These are all irrelevant if you are unclear about what you desire and who you’ve become! 1 prepares you for the bigger picture in life, which 9 represents. 1 revels in itself, in life, in others! And you and I are being challenged to adopt this mindset instead of hanging on to pain and suffering, which doubt and fear parent. 

Innovation, imagination, and inspiration all indicate a new beginning, a new chapter, and a fresh start. We couldn’t ask for a better backup for the 9 humanitarian, philanthropic mindset where the Unity of all things – great and small – is a given!

So – this month – create new dreams, a new vision for your life based on new-found clarity, imagination and Heart! What would you like “more of”? What “bigger, better” is relentlessly nudging you to do or be more – which only requires that you see yourself as whole, complete. It only takes an open Heart, and Love, to accomplish it all.

2025 is about enjoying yourself and focusing on Joy. Celebrating who you are… honoring your creative and loving capacity… and holding dear in your Heart the Love we all share and are asked to live as One. 

This is a remarkable year for each and all of us – individually and collectively.
Put your best foot forward… and join humanity to create its finest hour.


  • Deirdre Morgan

    Deirdre Morgan is a Numerologist, Alternative Healer, and Interfaith Minister. She earned a B.A. in Psychology from Vassar, spent six years at the Kairos Institute for Metaphysical and Parapsychological Studies. She is also a licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist, a Prenatal Bonding Coach, and psychic consultant. Her book, Heart Speak, is available through

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