The Bells! The Bells!

Good Morning From Here Recapped: November 25 to December 1, 2023


I imagine our tourists who landed last week in our soggy, hotter-than-blazes weather are scrambling through their suitcases, trying to find their socks and fluffy sweaters to ward off the sudden cold snap.

One thing Vallarta never is – boring.

Last night, Patrice and I carried cashmere shawls to stay warm for the Teatro Sin Borders presentation of “Lend Me a Tenor” held at the outdoor theatre at the American School in Marina Vallarta.

What a delightful surprise!

The entire production was extremely well done – the actors were flawlessly connected to one another. I felt at times like a guilty voyeur sneaking around and listening to private conversations; that’s how interwoven this cast has become in a very short time.

Sets were sturdily built (a lot of slamming doors!), well laid out and easily navigable by the cast.

Sound and lights were exceptional, particularly considering it is an outdoor venue that competes with airplanes flying directly overhead. That, too, was seamlessly invited into the dialogue when necessary.

The casting was terrific, with kudos to the dialogue coach: Black Irish to Italian tenor is a push!

The characters in this comedic farce were quirky and loveable, which is funnier than farcical.

I was impressed with the playbill handed out to all attendees, which had bios and lovely photographs of everyone involved in this production. I have always maintained that if something is worth producing, time and money should be spent to create at least a page supporting the cast.

My only regret about this play is that it’s ending tonight! 

If you have plans, change them and go see “Lend Me a Tenor” at 7:30. You can thank me later!

Vallarta sorely needs this type of entertainment. Now that I know the caliber of the players involved with Teatro Sin Borders, founded by Sandi McDonald, it will be easy to support them in everything they do.

Bravos to all From Here.


After a quick but nourishing nap, Patrice and I headed out late last night to The Palm Cabaret to see Maru Prado Conti’s new and improved tribute to Lady Gaga.

“Born This Way” has Maru in and out of many iconic Gaga costumes and wigs, often done on the fly onstage and corresponding outfits, of course, for the fabulously fit Starboy dancers.

With dazzling background visuals, booming sound, laser lights, and so much movement, it’s hard to remember one is sitting in a tiny Mexican cabaret and not on the Las Vegas Strip.

And it works.

In their 24th season, The Palm Cabaret has become what I overheard a guy say outside, waiting with a hundred others to get into the theatre, “the hottest bar in town!”.

The sold-out show had the audience rocking in their seats, singing along and loving this super high-energy, faithful tribute to Lady Gaga.

Chris Lopez costars as Maru’s consummate backup singer, dancing with the Star Boys and being his magnetic insouciant self. What a demonstration of cooperation these two Argentines give to our City’s entertainment scene.

See the extravagant “Born This Way” production every Saturday night at the Palm Cabaret and Bar at 9:30 pm.

We are off early this morning to the gigantic tianguis in Mojoneras. Later, we will see Producer Patricia Macias’ premiere of Vacare at Act2PV at 5:30 pm; a full report in the morning From Here.


Act2PV’s Main Stage came alive last night with the debut of “Vacare,” which could and should replace The Nutcracker in Vallarta for Yuletide entertainment.

Everybody – all ages – will embrace this production with love and open arms. The universal appeal of being able to change one’s life and, therefore, the environment for the better has a ripple effect like a rock skipping across a lake – the goodness goes on and on.

The costumes, dark and cumbersome at the beginning of “Vacare,” are shed like water and become light-infused gossamer.

There is dance – again, bulky and heavy at first, giving way to a joyful buoyancy that blends the lives of earth-bound creatures with those of the deep sea.

The multi-faceted actors on the stage dance, sing, tumble, rollerskate (!), mime, play, ride a giant hula hoop and defy death on more than one occasion.

If you grew up loving the circus, discovered Cirque du Soleil later in life and recently enjoyed Circoncierto’s performances in Casa Karma’s Red Room, know those joyful elements are alive and well onstage in Vacare.

This outstanding production is performed every Sunday at 5:30 pm on the Main Stage at Act2PV. Take your kids; take your grandparents. I can’t wait to see it again. And again, From Here.


Luis Villanueva has been a favorite singer of mine since he moved to Puerto Vallarta from Chiapas seven years ago. He has grown as an artist who gives back to our community every chance he gets.

His show, Memories, in Casa Karma’s Red Room, is a culmination of a lifelong dream to have a microphone, a spotlight and a playlist that he loves to perform.

Luis will alternate Memories with his tribute to George Michael every Monday at 7:30. I have seen this tribute five times, and I will happily see it again next week.

If you’ve been missing Open Mic at Incanto, get over to Nacho Daddy tonight at 7:30, where the luscious Gouda Gabor will host, with Derek Carkner on piano. This is a fundraising reunion of past and future contestants from the “So, You Think You Can Rise?” competition to help support the RISE orphanage.

Tomorrow, we have Scrabble at 1 pm at Qulture and Bingo for Colina Spay & Neuter Clinic at 4 pm upstairs at Nacho Daddy. Join us there, From Here!


The Incanto Open Mic gang was in full force at Nacho Daddy last night, right down to Janathan Rios on sound and light. Lisa and Billy represent RISE, the orphanage they raise money for, and personally give so much to the children.

Gouda Gabor hosted beautifully and amused the jam-packed house with song and banter. All the usual subjects were in the audience – Ed, Gary, Rob, Jan, Harvey, Cecil, Mike and Pamala, to name a few. The only one missing was Jim Davis!

Open Mic is scheduled to run for the following three Tuesdays. Go early, have some dinner and stay for the exceptional entertainment.

Local superstars dropped by, including Derek Carkner, Rafael Velazquez, Keith Tynes, and our beloved Kevin Anthony. And ten-year-old Angelo is a hot contender in the Third Edition of “So, You Think You Can Rise?” talent competition.

Patrice and I headed out early yesterday to the airport to pick up our friend Sharon, who was arriving from Alberta. We left plenty of time to get there, fearing the fierce traffic that has become the norm.

The airport was virtually deserted! Sharon landed, cleared customs and joined us in Arrivals in under 90 minutes! A wonderful miracle!

Scrabble and Bingo today, mango smoothies with a dear friend this evening and drinks on the beach at Langostinos are on my list for this penultimate day of November, From Here.


Season has undoubtedly arrived when we have all our “fancy” turntable Scrabble games in use. A couple of late arrivals had to use one of the old cardboard sets. Welcome back, wordhounds! Remember, our Monthly Tournament is next Wednesday at 1 sharp at Qulture (Player registration is at 12:45.) You are still welcome to come and play if you don’t want to compete.

Bingo for Colina Spay and Neuter Clinic was packed with animal lovers. Our table did well, with me winning one game and Patrice splitting the blackout big bucks. Bingo is every Wednesday now, alternating with Purr Project, at 4 pm at Nacho Daddy.

We are off to the gorgeous Botanical Garden today. We will see Bob Price, owner, founder, curator and happily, a dear and cherished friend, for hugs. We will have lunch overlooking the river valley, listening to Hector, the wandering violinist, take deep breaths of mountain air, and return later this afternoon refreshed and ready to leap into the evening’s activities, From Here.


The end of the week and the beginning of the new and last month of the year. I can’t imagine things getting busier, but they might! Deep breaths, people and more naps!

As always, the Vallarta Botanical Garden was calming, gorgeous, and full of beautiful flowers and birds. And yesterday, a yellow and black cacique played being a hummingbird at the feeder closest to our table over lunch.

We wandered over to the chapel after pizza and discovered a herd (?) of turtles I don’t remember seeing before. One prehistoric beastie tossed a winning grin at me as we passed over the covered bridge.

As Patrice, Sharon and I walked up Olas Altas to The Palm, we saw Michael Tolleson Robles sitting in his brand-new art gallery. Oh, the explosion of colors and, of course, Michael’s shirt blended perfectly with the newly painted walls and his canvases.

Nacho Granados pays tribute to Sir Tom Jones in Sex Bomb with period costumes, go-go girls and vintage video clips, including a hilarious cameo appearance with Dame Edna.

There have been a few changes since Opening Night, so if you have been before to see and hear Nacho nail Jones’s powerful ballads, go again.

The Peregrinaciones to Our Lady of Guadalupe start today and run until December 12 – enjoy, enjoy From Here.


  • Marcia Blondin

    I am a Canadian expat who has lived in Vallarta for over 30 years. Becoming the editor of Vallarta Mirror is a dream come true, spending my days extolling the virtues of the city I love. An environmentalist in my lifestyle, artistic endeavors, the clothes I wear and the love I share.

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