Things – They Are a’ Changing

There’s a growing sense of excitement mixed with wonder (and a little bit of fear) about the changes that are predicted to happen on the earth. It’s a little bit like coming into a movie theater and watching an exciting movie.

Part of it is thrilling, part of it arouses fear and part of it feels exhilarating. The important thing is not to be the characters in the movie, not to identify so strongly with what you see going on that it’s you having your world turned upside down.

It is not you getting turned upside down.

It is the things that many have been identified with for so long that are changing their meaning.

The main message I wish to give you this morning is… all is well. 

Enjoy the ride and simply notice. Don’t add anything to what you see. Simply notice. Stay present. 

Stay in this moment and just know and trust what you’ve been told is true. This particular movie transitions into something quite wonderful.

On the way to wonderful things, things might get a little bumpy. But, if you hold them as interesting as opposed to worrisome, you will be both entertained and activated and gratified to see where this movie is headed and the reality that will take the place of the movie will delight you.

You don’t have to wait for changes to happen. They’re already happening now. The thing to do is to stay as much as you can in the present moment.

Here is where the love is. Here’s where the safety is. Here is where the wisdom is. Here is where the knowledge is. And, here is where the truth is – right here, right now.

Let this ‘now’ moment bring about all the changes that need to occur so that you can not only know the truth, but live the truth… with your brothers and sisters in love.

The movie on the screen will feel less important than your experience of knowing who you are and knowing who your brothers and sisters are.

What to do and what to say will become more obvious to you as you become more deeply centered in this moment– with me, with all of us, with God.

Rejoice in every breath.

I love you very much, and I’ll speak with you again soon.

Yeshua (aka Jesus)

This was channeled through my friend and colleague Dr. Jim –  a practising psychologist and musician.


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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