Truth Is Always Paradoxical – Henry David Thoreau

The particular path that you’re on has what are called paradoxes, things that are somewhat puzzling. It has been said that a paradox is “the truth standing on its head to get your attention.” This is quite true.

I have often written many times about the benefits of being still, of just going into yourself as deeply as you can, being quiet, being present to your breath and your heartbeat, just noticing what you notice about your body without doing anything about it, and accepting life exactly the way it is.

This may take you into a deeper peace than you would ordinarily find. The paradox is that as you experience this peace, rather than having you go quiet and say, “I think I’m just going to be reclusive,” that peace is what energizes you to go forth into the world with purpose. The two go hand in hand.

You wouldn’t think this would be the case. You would think that you might want to just live in a cave and get deeper and deeper and deeper into the peace you have found. But that’s often not true. From this place of deep peace and needing nothing to change… things can finally change.

The change I’m referring to, however, is not the change that the ego would bring about, where something is better than it used to be because of your efforts. It’s more like an unfolding of what is already so. 

It’s more like a knowing as opposed to a learning. It often reveals another paradox, which is unlearning– so that you can know.

Interestingly, when you detach from the things that you identify with, ironically, they become yours.

When you are attached to the things that you identify with, you lose them, and you lose yourself in the process.

Part of what I’m recommending that you do is to let yourself notice where there is fear in your life, where you have become oriented towards avoiding pain and maximizing pleasure.

This is again a paradox, because this move to avoid pain and maximizing pleasure is the impediment to your happiness.

As it turns out, joy is your natural state, but not through any kind of avoidance and not through any kind of attraction. It’s just who you are.
Allow yourself to be present to whatever is showing up. Bless all of it. Allow for all of it. 

You will be able to discern which you need to keep close and which you can let go of. It is okay to release what doesn’t serve you, but not before you experience it. When you really release it, it will have no effect on you. That which you let be, will let you be.

The thing that is most rewarding is to look at everyone, at all of nature, fearlessly –  seeing yourself in them, seeing yourself in nature, seeing love in them, seeing every aspect of your divine self reflected back to you. Allow for all of it. Forgive all of it. Love all of it. Be at peace with all of it.

Allow life to unfold as it should. Get out of the way; stop attempting to orchestrate everything. Trust, and in the trusting, you will begin to have the life you desire instead of life having you.

Thank you for reading my words. I know you are deeply loved.


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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