Recap: Good Morning, From Here, August 31 – September 06
Happy Labor Day weekend everywhere but here on this continent; the unofficial end of summer. Kids are already back in school in Mexico, and fall is right around the corner. I spent Friday and Saturday doing “last things” of the summer at Act2, including sadly saying goodbye to David Maiocco, who returns to his life NOTB for the next eight weeks or so until he returns for season in November. The upside of that is David is performing with Michael Walters as Dame Edna, in NYC, so I sent a basketful of hugs from me to Michael, Doug, and Ralphie that I know David will deliver with my love.
Following my dual rants last week about the misuse of the term PV to describe Vallarta (just don’t!) and using words like “low, slow, off” instead of summer, thereby perpetuating the lack of abundance in Vallarta when the foreigners leave, I received a Letter to the Editor. Written with tongue firmly in cheek, this Canadian woman agreed with me but then pointed out my rave was followed immediately by an article about Act2PV! I wrote back to her and suggested mango smoothies, to which she said yes! We spent the most delightful, out-of-the-box hour chatting about our ex-homeland and our love for this adopted city. Thanks for joining me, Lynda!
Friday Night in Mary Ann’s Ovations Piano Bar starred Montse in her first solo show, with David Maiocco on piano. Montse has been working hard on her voice, song choices, delivery, color, stories, all the aspects that can hold an audience’s attention for a full 60 minutes. I would have been quite happy for another hour. My heart was in my throat for most of the show, listening to her ace a few of the songs she studied specifically in David Sabella’s Voice Workshop (also wrapped this weekend).
She is 28 and no stranger to the stage, but on this night, it was just her, her fear, and her pianist who responded instantly when she faltered. It was seamless to us, the audience; she was adorable, funny, reachable, and fearless in her deliveries about the loves in her life. Her mother was in the audience, so…
A heartfelt, tearful congratulatory hug after her standing ovation from Act2’s General Manager (and teacher, mentor) David Sabella.

The enormity of what she had just accomplished, hit her when he said, “Welcome, Montse, to the world of being a solo performer.” And, with his hug, invited this young woman into that rarified space. Beautiful.
The next day, Montse had to sit on the very stage where she had launched her solo career and listen to her friends and fellow students at the Voice Master Class tell her what they thought of her performance and why. Sabella called on me, and I demurred to this column. But to quote dear Kimberly G, “Last night, a star fell from heaven and landed right here.” I concur!
The Voice Workshop, which began July 06 and ran 9 weeks – a total of 27 hours of intense vocal practice was last Saturday and culminated in pizza from Los Muertos Brewing! It was intriguing to watch the changes happening before my eyes to these performers, some of whom I will be reviewing onstage this coming season. David Sabella is a master teacher whose love of his craft is acknowledged best by imparting his vast knowledge and experience to his students. I was honored and grateful to have audited 8 out of 9 classes.
The last Bingo for at least the next six weeks at Act2 was made sweeter by finally winning one game – a gift certificate to Canto restaurant, woo-hoo, and Sharon’s baked goodies.
I am looking forward to some downtime. Regroup somewhat and get ready for what will be an unprecedented entertainment bonanza of a season! Keep your eyes here and on every day to see what’s coming up and where and be sure to let us know if you have an event in the works. And performers! Get your bio to Kevin for inclusion in the new, expanding, fabulous directory called Artist Spotlight. Like the VallartaCalendar, it will be the go-to place for all information about musicians, dancers, singers, actors, acrobats, magicians, and more. Convenient for when the talent scouts come to town…just sayin’! From Here.
With nearly everything dark on Mondays, I had time to spend with my dear Sandra Bradley over smoothies at the Vallarta Factory. We can make hours disappear just like that! You can read Sandra in Vallarta MIrror every Monday. Always something ethereal, thought-provoking, and lovely.
Friends of mine, Klaus and Michele, moved to Spain a couple of years ago. Michele wrote me that a Canadian friend of theirs they knew in Vallarta had passed away suddenly in Victoria. Turns out my Sandra knew Darrel McLeod, the Cree Indian writer, jazz musician and advocate in BC. I had not had the pleasure of meeting him, but as Michele told me, he had many friends in Vallarta who may not have heard of his death. Check the link below for more information.
On my way home from the gym, I always stop at the same place and pick some grass for my big kitty Bogie to eat. He has his own patch growing on the patio, but he likes the extra special wildness of curbside grass a few times a week. This lovely butterfly posed for me beautifully.
Last February, the same kind of butterfly spent the night with me and survived; I gave her water in the morning, and she eventually flew away. I mentioned the curious thing in my column, and Pam Thompson posted that she thought it was likely Allyna Vineberg, who recently passed, paying a visit. I chose to believe the same and was happy to see Allyna again in this gorgeous reincarnation!
It’s a big shopping day today; I will have a full report in the morning From Here.
Sharon Gerber Scherer, Claire (her car) and I headed to the tianguis in Coapinole at the crack of 8:30, yesterday morning. The market was already swarmed with people. Sharon found a couple of things she loved; I found eight new projects. The day was seamless, parking was handy, the pineapples were gigantic and smelled divine. We hit Plaza Caracol, La Comer and Costco with no lines and no waiting; it was perfect. There was a parking spot at my front door that never happens, but it did. We unloaded the car, Sharon met Bogie, my beauty kitty, and we continued on with our respective days.
Then, in the evening, I met the mayor-elect of Puerto Vallarta.
Sol Reyes, the current Voice of Vallarta and former Miss Colombia (2019) and her husband Joseph, from Calgary, put together a meet and greet for local downtown business owners to meet with the new Mayor and to wish Luis Mungia well.
The incoming Mayor’s entourage arrived at Act2PV and were greeted by owners Alfonso Lopez, Oscar Cisneros and David Sabella, General Manager. A quick tour of the facilities ensued while we enjoyed hors d ‘oeuvres from Yamada Sushi and cocktails in Mary Ann’s Ovations Piano Bar. Luis spent a few minutes chatting with each of us before he carried on to his next engagement; we were all invited to his investiture on September 30.
My thanks to Sol and Joseph of XpressTv Mx ( for organizing this get-together and inviting me. Contact them if you need high-speed Internet via Starlink. Luis Mungia, Vallarta’s new Mayor, did, From Here.
Birthday parties are popping up all over the city – last night, we celebrated co-owner Bill Williams at La Catrina Cantina. Luis Villanueva sang beautifully as he always does, and Juan Alvarado, the birthday boy’s husband, ordered some sizzling entertainment with a hot, new-to-me-at-La CC stripper.
My date last night – again! – Sandra Bradley celebrated her last night of being 81 with popcorn, dance, and dirty martinis, and today marks her 82nd year on Mother Earth. We are going to the beach for breakfast; I will have a full report in the morning.
Yesterday was also September’s Scrabble Tournament, with me against Sharon Gerber Scherer. Three hard-fought games later, I regained the Scrabble crown, but what an exhausting battle!
The City is throwing a birthday party with wine and cake tomorrow at 6 pm in the Presidencia for painter Javier Niño. Tonight, I will be at Casa Karma for another great collaboration with Derek Carkner on piano for Diego Guerrero. I have requested some Pink Floyd, but I don’t like my chances! Come back tomorrow morning and find out what transpired From Here.
Two hours of extraordinary romantic, sad, mellow songs in two languages, Derek Carkner and Diego Guerrero, gave me some Pink Floyd! From 1975, Wish You Were Here blended beautifully with the lyrics of Nina Simone, Sam Smith, Adele, and more. The setting could not be lovelier, with the sun going down, comfy sofas, excellent company, exquisite hors d’oeuvres, and Cesar from Act2 keeping everyone’s glasses full.
When the standing ovation faded, everyone converged into the center of the living room at Casa Karma with nobody wanting to leave and break the spell of togetherness that Diego and Derek had woven throughout their Summer Romance concert. The intimacy was swift and quiet, wrapping us up tight in the embrace of warm, loving music From Here.