Migraine Triggers – Illegal Drugs

Illegal drugs – it should surprise no one that a Quality Assurance Department is not a priority for an illegal drug manufacturer – who knows what is used to “cut” and “extend” the basic product? 

So it’s nearly impossible to determine, either the basic substance or beyond that, which part of that assortment contributes to triggering your migraine attack. 

What can you, the average migraine sufferer, do to identify the various additives, and decide which triggers migraines, or at least does not contribute to strengthening your immune system and thus helps you to resist attacks?

Do you happen to be a chemist, able to evaluate that what you are sniffing, swallowing, ingesting or injecting is “pure” (non prescription, black market, illegal) substance? With your lower-than-ideal IQ, thanks to migraines, are you sure you are evaluating properly? Are you willing to risk swallowing, sniffing or shooting up something sold to you by someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart?

Consider another addiction: Gamble if you choose, by all means, but make it a profitable, beneficial gamble where the odds are on your side: the history of the stock market has proven it to be an experience, overall profitable, but exciting enough in dealing with its various components, highs and lows, to satisfy a gambler. Waking up to find out whether the market has gone up, down, or sideways is a thrill every time you get an update. The house always wins? Yes, but this is a case where your house averages wins most of the time. 

Another gamble? Invest in the education of a gifted youngster and watch them thrive. 

Are you already too hooked on the harmful stuff to give it up without help? It would be easier if the method you chose to get you clean would leave you without cravings. Wouldn’t that be nice?

It’s better than that – it’s reality. While you were out losing focus in a toxic haze, brilliant and dedicated experts in addictive behaviors have discovered ways to manipulate the brain so that thinking of that next hit, that next “high” that winds up leaving you crashing as though the bungee cord had ripped or the roller coaster had left the track will disappear from your memory.

Modern medicine has developed improvements in ailments that used to be a death sentence.  I remember when the World Health Organization first announced the eradication of smallpox – what a high! 

I’m not sure what I find more exciting – the advances in modern cancer research and treatment – it used to be a diagnosis whispered about and hidden from the patient for whom it was a death sentence, or the new knowledge gained in the function and treatment of the brain, where decades-long addiction to opioids can be eliminated with a few laser treatments.

Or what about sickle cell anemia – a recent cure for this excruciatingly painful inherited ailment in mostly children – whose life span is drastically shortened. There are 100,000 of those patients at the moment – imagine how this medical miracle will better their lives.

All these discoveries are all the more thrilling when you think of the millions of people whose lives are changed for the better – permanently. And you could be among them, if you reach out and see who or what will help you beat this. If you believe in bad luck, why not believe in good luck equally? Statistically, it’s at least as possible as the reverse.

Find one of these genius, innovative clinics or specialists, and gamble – and this is probably the best investment you can take – on having them explain how their state-of-the-art research at a respectable, recognized, peer-approved institution will help you eliminate one of the more difficult migraine triggers.

The treatment that appealed the most to me and that was a complete surprise was laser treatment of the addiction center in the brain, which removed a decades-long addict’s craving for drugs. 

I defy you to beat that high.

I felt its cousin and remember that high, the first time, without any prescription medication whatsoever, just with the body control methods I had learned from therapists and from strengthening my own body’s immune system.

If I did it – getting off 60 capsules per month of a prescribed morphine derivative to where I have had no migraine attacks for well over 35 years – SO CAN YOU! 

The exercise I had learned and become proficient at succeeded in not only stopping, but reversing a beginning migraine until I was pain-free. At that instant, I remember thinking that I understood what attracted the heroin addict, why they were so hungry for that ecstasy, that exquisite vapor coursing through my system. Except what I had developed was at my fingertips whenever I chose, at any moment, and left no side effects. 


  • Carla Piringer

    Related to noted medical professionals, afflicted with an inherited excruciating migraine condition, the author followed traditional medical and alternative therapies, now living migraine-free for over 35 years. She now shares her doctor-recommended method in her book to inspire sufferers to find significant pain relief.

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