Bye-Bye, Old Man Winter

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, March 16 -22, 2024

Deborah Darr gave her penultimate NIA class yesterday at the IFC Clubhouse; this is the hardest time of the year for us who live in Vallarta full time and don’t go anywhere because why would we? Those here part-time, and there are so many of you, leave such a deep impression on us that when you leave to go back to Life Number One, great big holes are left behind. It takes us a few weeks, stutter-stepping through our days, managing to get by, of course, but missing that fresh energy visitors bring to our city. Enough of my abandonment issues!

David Duvall’s monthly concert series featured brothers Ira and George Gershwin yesterday in the Casa Karma Red Room at Act2PV. There was so much information, including terrific video clips that brought their music home to rest with us. David’s guests included vocalists Gene Berube, Robert Ryan, Bobbi Goddard, and Zahid on guitar. Besides David’s lovely voice and skill at the piano, Dannyju Lopez and Danny Lopez Arganis smoothed the edges with sensitive percussion and bass guitar, respectively. Next month, Duke Ellington! Stay tuned for the date.

Finally, we saw Daniel Celis and his band Monaco at The Palm Cabaret performing their Eagles/Fleetwood Mac Tribute. One word—spectacular! Gina Ibarra unobtrusively stole the show, and I would happily attend a Tribute to Stevie Nicks with a little Christine McVie thrown in for backstory if Gina starred in it.

Between the Palm and Act2PV, Los Muertos Brewing fed Kevin and me some pizza, so we were ready for Drag Diva again in the Casa Karma Red Room.

The three drag queens hail from Provincetown and brought high-energy entertainment, along with lots of sequins and fringes. Their suitcases must be gigantic! Drag Diva’s next show is Wednesday at 9:30.

Have a great start to the week; Spring arrives tomorrow From Here.

“Spring has sprung, the grass is ‘riz, I wonder where the birdies is.” Thank you, Spike Milligan, and bye-bye to Winter.

I have heard that English is the most challenging language to learn. I can’t attest because I did not know other languages existed until I went to school.

One winter night years ago, my Mexican lover scolded me in English for stealing the blankets. I was abruptly woken up with an irate and loud, “Don’t discover me!”

After I shared the bedclothes, I started thinking of the etymology of the word ‘discover.’ We use it to mean encountering new things, like Columbus discovering America or what I will discover today. But where did the ‘un’ prefix sneak in as in uncover? You cannot undiscover, but some places can be undiscovered. It’s like okay to stick two prefixes, un and dis, onto cover, and a suffix, ed at the end and make it all better!?

Another case in point. I recently bought a new hair product to tamp down the flyaways and new hairs that grow weirdly. It’s called ‘Coco Wax.’ So, after applying this lovely scented stuff, I could say, “I have waxed my hair.” Yipes! Way too much information!

And that’s what happens to your brain when you routinely get up at 4 am. Enjoy the first day of Spring From Here!

Everyone knows Puerto Vallarta is overflowing with talent, and it’s fairly easy to find out what’s going on at The Palm or Act2PV if you KNOW the Palm or Act2PV.

Somebody brand new to Vallarta wouldn’t have a clue, and long-time residents don’t know what’s happening downtown if they live in the Marina and vice versa.

I can recall two incidents last season where the same charity was competing against itself for patrons! Two different charity events were scheduled at the same time, on the same day, and at different venues. Clearly, it was time to put together a Vallarta Calendar, so we did.

Vallarta Mirror has begun compiling the calendar for our city.

All the usual suspects will be included – the aforementioned Palm and Act II are already up and running.

There is a drop-down menu if you are curious about seeing a drag show or a musical, something suitable for the kids, or something definitely UN-suitable for the kids! And everything in between.

Get in touch for details. In the meantime, have a look:

Scrabble today at 1, and Circoncierto at the Casa Karma Red Room at 5 pm. I cannot wait to see this delicious circus act again, starring my lovely friends Ale Matus and Dabit Azofeifa From Here.

On my way to Central Gym yesterday morning, I stumbled upon an Easter/Spring parade of little kids dressed to the nines (vines?) on various transportation forms, also decorated like the forest. They were assembling near McDonald’s on the Malecon. While I didn’t stay for the parade, the happy faces and brilliant colors set the tone for the day. A lot of parents had great fun outfitting bikes and teeny cars.

Our Scrabble Club has dwindled to die-hard residents. I had some extraordinary luck in game two, coming from behind, last turn with Bitsiest on a triple that netted me almost 100 points and the game.

Next up was Circoncierto at the Casa Karma Red Room at Act2PV. I saw bits and pieces of this extraordinary presentation last summer during Act2’s Greatest Show and the full production often, but Kevin hadn’t seen it, so off we went. The best thing was the kids in the audience. Maybe 8 or 10 years old. Their eyes were like saucers watching the contortions while balls were spinning on fingertips. Of course, our favorite clowns, Ale and Dabit, played to them to everyone’s delight. And the chicken thing? OMG, it still cracks me up every time with the silliness. Chiara Montante was a perfect foil! This priceless show has no language barriers as it is all mime except for the singing! I am happy to report that Circoncierto has a big new suitcase and all-new white balls; the show is funny, moving, exciting, terrifying at times in a circus-y way, engaging, and brilliantly presented. All that’s missing is a trapeze and an elephant.

The last stop of the night was at the garden of Oficina de Proyectos Culturales, or OPC on Juarez, downtown. Always good to see Director Pilar Perez again and a couple of other familiar faces – Mau Cervera minding the wine bar; Miriam Aroeste; and the always lovely Maria Jose Zorrilla, owner of the Belmar Hotel and Galeria, a staunch supporter and significant part of Puerto Vallarta’s art scene. Pilar reminded me that OPC’s tenth anniversary is coming May 24th! That’ll be a party!

I am so grateful for the full, action-packed days, even though life has slowed down considerably (grateful for that, too!). Spring has sprung, and I can’t wait to see what’s ahead right around the corner From Here!

It’s Friday again and a busy, interesting day is at hand. I had mango smoothies yesterday with my dear friend Juan Carlos at the Vallarta Cigar Factory. He was just back from Mexico City with photos and nothing but good to say about everything he encountered, ate, and saw. One day, I will get there. I am in no hurry to go to a city that contains as many people as the entire country of Canada, but there it is.

JC drove me to the Palm to meet Kevin for Roy Cruz’s matinee devoted to Freddie Mercury. I saw the Opening of this show late last year, but believe me, ‘Epic’ is a brand-new, uber-fabulous show. New videos and fantastic choreography that only elevates my fave dancer in Vallarta – Paco Guizar, to levels that perhaps even surprised him.

I cried three times from the sheer artistry; the chemistry unfolded onstage with perfect light and sound. Thank you, Lucero and Tirso who are Colectivo Hueco! Roy’s energy holds everyone in the audience in a warm embrace; I have easily seen him perform Freddie Mercury over a dozen times in the past four years – he has the costumes, the body, the moves, and that enigmatic voice, but yesterday was his best performance ever. Get to ‘Epic Freddie Mercury’ at The Palm and prepare to be abundantly dazzled!  

It’s the weekend, and oddly enough, besides dinner Saturday, NIA dance class Sunday, and a visit to Kennedy Morgan’s Mystic Circle Cafe afterward, I have no plans. What’s everybody doing and seeing that I am unaware of? Talk to me From Here!


  • Marcia Blondin

    I am a Canadian expat who has lived in Vallarta for over 30 years. Becoming the editor of Vallarta Mirror is a dream come true, spending my days extolling the virtues of the city I love. An environmentalist in my lifestyle, artistic endeavors, the clothes I wear and the love I share.

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