Usawa is Balance

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, January 04 - 10 Monday Does everybody have a nice big chunk of Rosca, Three Kings bread, with coffee this Epiphany morning? (Don't break a tooth on baby Jesus.) I read that Mexico City residents will spend 4 billion pesos on gifts for their kids...

And, it’s 2025!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, December 27 - January 03 Monday I heard yesterday that Peter Oudman sadly passed away in Calgary on Saturday. If you ever attended any Pasitos de Luz Riverfest celebrations over a dozen years at El Rio BBQ Bar, you would have met him at some...

A New Year is Dawning

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, December 21 - 27 Monday Happy Winter, everybody! And while winter is not celebrated as 'happily' for the most part up north where they actually have to live in it, winter in Vallarta is a sheer, unadulterated joy because it means money pouring into the...

Bye, Bye, Fall; Hello, Winter!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, December 14 - 20 Monday Last Friday, Le Bistro on the Isla Cuale took center stage once again for the annual Membership Drive and Welcome Back Party for the Vallarta Garden Club. The event sold out with so many snowbirds and semi-permanent residents here to...

Bye-bye, Guadalupe!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, December 07 - 13 Monday The three of us stepped off the new bridge onto the Island into peace, quiet, and beautiful surroundings and walked a few steps to the commanding entrance of the recently restored Le Bistro. We weren't starving, just wanted something light to...

Le Bistro is Open!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, November 29 - December 06 Monday Today marks one year since Allyna Vineberg, the founder and editor of the PV Mirror, passed away. Today also marks the first year of Vallarta Mirror in an irrevocable sense of being unable to give it back to its...

A Week Full of Gratitude

Recap: Good Morning, From Here. November 23 - 29 Monday Every Friday, Argentine Nacho Granados takes the stage at La Catrina Cantina and entertains in two languages - he is one funny, saucy crooner. If you have any Tom Jones favorites, let him know; you will be astonished! It was...

Pretty in Pink

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, November 16 -22 Monday The First International Fiesta de Cabaret is over. I went to every concert - all seven of them, and was so impressed Vallarta Mirror will publish a synopsis this coming week. Congratulations to everyone who took part. My birthday breakfast (I know,...

Coco Cabaret – by The Palm, is Open!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, November 09 to November 15 Monday Birthdays are fun! I have enjoyed 73 of them and look forward to a pile more. Hundreds of kind people sent regards, congratulations, videos, and short notes sent with love and/or Facebook obligation, and all were avidly read. I...

Someone Like You

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, November 02 - 08 Monday Welcome back to the land of the Living after three straight days and nights wallowing in Death's brightly lit dark side. What a party on the Isla Cuale last Friday afternoon and evening. Non-stop music from 4 pm on began with...

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