Migraine Triggers – Prescription Medication

MOH - Medication-Overuse Headache - the very substance designed and prescribed to alleviate pain, if taken in a dose higher than what the manufacturer and the doctor recommended, acts as a migraine trigger! There's migraines' aversion to extremes again. In this case, too much of a good thing is not...

Migraine Triggers – Smoking

I am risk-averse as much as possible. I also like to think that my lungs were designed to breathe in - ideally - a combination of oxygen and inert gases, some beneficial isotopes, and nothing else. Well, maybe a bit of perfume, a flower's aroma, some spices, fresh produce,...

Migraine Triggers – Dehydration

Why is it easier for us to take better care of our car's needs than our own health? We devotedly regularly take our vehicle to a specialist (a garage mechanic) for maintenance, and, in the case of mechanical problems, we ask questions, cluck with concern over every detail of...

Migraine Triggers – Alcohol

Red wine and beer are more of a trigger than white wine, and dry wine is less of a trigger than sweet. I wasn't a big drinker to begin with, but so desperate to make every attempt to get rid of the migraines that I tried every strategy and recommendation I came across in my...

Migraine Triggers – Monosodium Glutamate

More commonly known by its abbreviation, MSG, this flavor enhancer is so potent it has been known to trigger a migraine-like attack in someone who was not a migraine sufferer!  MSG occurs naturally in our bodies (as do cannabinoids - but that's for another column!), but like every other extreme...

Migraine Triggers – Lights

Wildly flashing bright lights. One flash of a strobe light can be enough to trigger an attack in some migraine sufferers.  While strong or intense light can be dealt with by a non-sufferer with just a single blink, you, the migraine sufferer, perceive such a stimulus as intense, a sharp stabbing...

Migraine Triggers – Neck Pain

Neck pain can be self-inflicted. If you spend a lot of time tensing up around an attack, neglecting to practice relaxation exercises in the neck and upper shoulder area will result in at least tension, if not outright pain.  When you bring your car to the garage because it's not...

Migraine Triggers – Smells (part 2 of 2)

Smells, be they perfume or odors and smoke are an experience that your nervous system, already on edge and overstimulated from the migraine condition, may perceive as an unwelcome stimulant. If your sense of smell is overly sensitive, anything that causes it to react will be unpleasant, good or...

Migraine Triggers – Smells (Part 1 of 2)

Smells, be they perfume or odors, and smoke, is an experience that your nervous system, already on edge and overstimulated from the migraine condition, may perceive as an unwelcome stimulant. If your sense of smell is overly sensitive, anything that causes it to react will be unwelcome, good or...

Migraine Triggers – Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances - either getting too little or too much sleep. Migraines do not react well to extremes. Migraine sufferers, even more than non-sufferers, desperately need to get enough sleep. If a non-migraine sufferer misses a few zzzzs, they'll feel sluggish. If a migraine sufferer misses sleep, they might be...

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