The Mysterious “I”

“There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will." - Epictetus Yes, we can also control our reactions to an event, but Epictetus’ advice is more specific – it speaks of having the will to control...

Be Not Moved Off Your Center 

"You may have noticed a lot more chaos, confusion, and alarm in the outside world than before. It may feel as if an archer's bow is being drawn back. As it becomes more and more and more taut, there's an inevitability to its having to be released. The tension has...

Truth Is Always Paradoxical – Henry David Thoreau

The particular path that you're on has what are called paradoxes, things that are somewhat puzzling. It has been said that a paradox is "the truth standing on its head to get your attention." This is quite true. I have often written many times about the benefits of being still,...

How You Perceive Is What You Create

This message came at the beginning of this week of unprecedented change, and while you are at it, remember that this is a beautiful day on planet Earth, and we are loved. This was channeled through my colleague Laurent Phillip, who is part of my international ACIM group, and it...

Bid the Third Dimension Goodbye

"Dear readers, welcome once again to our message which you, the readers, draw forth. The energy on earth has become intense, resulting in upset and confusion for many, especially those unaware of the ascension process. The status quo presently in place on earth must change for mankind to move into higher reality consciousness, but most...

The Central Teachings of A Course in Miracles

Here’s what the Course is not: It’s not a religion. You don’t have to join a church or follow any rituals. It is not a cult. It’s not a self-help book. While the Course can improve your life, it’s not about achieving worldly success or fixing external problems. It’s not a...

What is A Course In Miracles?

Last week, I wrote a little notice at the beginning and end of my column, that I would be starting ACIM classes in the next few weeks. Since then, people have asked me what this is all about. The book went on sale in 1976, has been translated into...

I Need do Nothing?

You may have heard of Rick Archer from who has interviewed hundreds of spiritually awakening people. He has put all these interviews and sacred texts into a ChatBot like ChatGDP. In fact, he now has a Compassion Bot, BatGapBot, and Interfaith Bot - all free. See: (I recently posted a dialogue on...

Christmas – a Time for Love, Peace, and Good Will

Mother Teresa said, “Every time you smile at someone and offer your hand, it is Christmas.” How simple would life be if we could make every day of peace, a time for goodwill by simply offering our hand, a smile, a kindness toward another, a random person on the street,...

Is Your Life About Love?

From Dr. Jim, a friend from A Course in Miracles who channels Jesus, it fits into what is going on in people's lives at this moment of our 'now.' "Greetings, beloved brothers and sisters, When you ask a person, "What is your life about?" they will often point to what...

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