Your Pets

I wish to speak to you today about your pets.So many people have pets in their lives, most often cats and dogs. And, over time, what they realize is that there is a symbiotic relationship there. At first, it seems that you are taking care of your pets. You have...

The Eternal Game…

“Who are you when you have let go of all your idols, all your physical possessions, all your artificial goods?  Who are you if you lose every physical item you have today? This is the question you must ask yourself. What is left of me when everything is gone? In truth, what...

Are We Here or Are We Not?

My sister posed an interesting question the other evening when I was expounding on the reality of Quantum Physics, which we are slowly beginning to understand, and its implications on how we see life around us in this moment of our current 'now.'  I am sure she is tired of...

What Is Going on Today With Populism?

"You may have noticed that there's a tremendous upsurge in what is called populism. It's actually a kind of tribalism where one person appeals to what many others would like. To understand why this is so popular, it's valuable to discuss some of the ideas that a very famous psychiatrist, Carl...

Love Is in You

Everything you see is shaped by your beliefs, beliefs inherited from your upbringing and the collective unconscious. Today, it's important to understand the energies that circulate within you. Energy is basically neutral; you give it a color based on your beliefs. Sexual energy, for example, has a profound spiritual power that...

The Ten Commandments

"I would like to speak with you today about the 10 Commandments. This is a major part of Judeo-Christian tradition. At first glance, the 10 Commandments as they've been translated, appear to be instructions about how to live a good life, how to live in a way that would please...

Things – They Are a’ Changing

There's a growing sense of excitement mixed with wonder (and a little bit of fear) about the changes that are predicted to happen on the earth. It's a little bit like coming into a movie theater and watching an exciting movie. Part of it is thrilling, part of it arouses...

The Dream

Entering this dream dimension brings the joys and sorrows of the game of separation. Other bodies meet other bodies. These bodies think they are simply palpable matter that gives meaning to this existence. This meaning is profoundly altered by this duality. If you accept it, your role will be to...

The Meaningfulness of Meditation

Many of you are now opening yourselves to receiving messages that don't come from your previous thoughts, that don't come from the chatter that people deal with all day, but come from someplace else, someplace deep within you. And, yet, it has no physical bearing or reference point. There was a...

Live a Life in Service to Source 

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame. You who have the physical lifetime to live need to realize that much more of you is nonphysical and coexists in this moment with this lifetime. You are meant to anchor in more of that which you truly are, and...

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