Own Your Work

Thousands of years ago, a wise person named Lao Tzu said the following: "Fill your bowl to the brim, and it will spill. Keep sharpening your knife, and it will blunt. Chase after money and security, and your heart will never unclench. Care about other people's opinions, and you...

Make a Joyful Noise

Many times in present-day life, some of the most seemingly insignificant things are metaphors for the experience you're presently having. They're hiding in plain sight. There's a popular movie that was made in the 1980s called "The Blues Brothers." It was a comedy loaded with very talented people. While...

What a Wonderful World!

This will be my last column of 2023. Imagine, another year has run its course. It feels like we were welcoming it in only a few months ago. There was a wonderful performer named Louis Armstrong. He was an amazing trumpet player. He could hit notes that were so high...

You Are Enough

In the past few years, we have often heard the words 'Awake or Awakened' in a conversation. "This person is awake, or this person has awakened …" Some of us wonder what they are talking about; what does that mean to be awake or awakened? There's a much-beloved song...

A Day in the Life of An Awakening Mind, Part Two

In my first column, I introduced the concept of being 'nice.' As small children, we are taught to 'be nice.' The word 'nice' originates from the Latin nicere – to not know. There was also a saying, "You do not walk in that person's shoes," - so how can we judge?...

Feelings of Despondency and Impotency, Part Two

In our little collective, we humans get to participate in the creation of the future we wish to experience. Therefore, ‘others’ who do not live in our dense third-dimensional, warmongering world, who see us from another perspective, are advising us not just to watch and wait. We are advised to...

Feelings of Despondency and Impotency

We are all watching and waiting to see what happens next in the Middle East. It has been dominating our thoughts but very few are talking about it. There was also fear around the possibility of other countries engaging and creating a potential world war. Feelings of despondency and...

A Day in the Life of an Awakening Mind

I asked one of my grandsons when he was still in that wonderful age of “innocence’, “Francesco, what would you do to save the world?” Without hesitation, he answered, “Grandma, I would make everyone nice to each other.” I soon discovered that to be nice was far more complex...

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