Suddenly Marlin and Sailfish at Corbetena

After several weeks of the same boring information, we finally have something to talk about! With the tropical storms finally showing up, fish are moving, pushed would be more accurate, into the area. Now, I'm not saying everything flipped overnight, but when you're finally boating Marlin and Sailfish, you know...

Restricted Zones: Paying Taxes in Mexico

Mexico welcomes foreign investment in its real estate market. There are no restrictions on foreigners owning and investing in property here. To uphold the constitution of the country, foreigners will need to become primary beneficiaries within a trust held by a Mexican bank. The Mexican Constitution prohibits foreign nationals from...

Migraine Triggers – Smells (Part 1 of 2)

Smells, be they perfume or odors, and smoke, is an experience that your nervous system, already on edge and overstimulated from the migraine condition, may perceive as an unwelcome stimulant. If your sense of smell is overly sensitive, anything that causes it to react will be unwelcome, good or...

Microdoses, Origins and Mechanisms of Action Still Unknown 

With time and in these years after the great health emergency that we have had since 2020, many “new” therapies have appeared before our eyes, offering alternatives or solutions to different conditions that previously only had a few therapeutic options and with very little margin of success.  On this occasion,...

I Am Never Upset For The Reason I Think

When you find yourself in an emotional state that you might call "stressed out" or "overwhelmed," there's a tendency to not realize the context in which the upset is taking place. Things that bother you will seem to have their own external cause, and you are the effect. You can...

Tell Me No Mentiras!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, August 03 to 09 Monday Before we start, get more coffee. I had a busy weekend! First up, Sargento's one-man show, The Mentiras Experience, with Salvatore Rodriguez on piano, exploded into life in the Living Room at Casa Karma. Mentiras el Musical opened in Mexico...

Slow Start to Our Summer Fishing Season

My fishing reports are becoming carbon copies of the ones previously. Regarding fishing in Puerto Vallarta, things haven't changed much. We're seeing stagnant water temperatures and stagnant currents, which, of course, means fish aren't moving into the area. What we usually expect for this time of the year isn't happening....

Migraine Triggers – Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances - either getting too little or too much sleep. Migraines do not react well to extremes. Migraine sufferers, even more than non-sufferers, desperately need to get enough sleep. If a non-migraine sufferer misses a few zzzzs, they'll feel sluggish. If a migraine sufferer misses sleep, they might be...

Cancer and Holistic Treatments 

Cancer is a disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. These cancer cells can form tumors or invade nearby tissues and organs, interfering with normal functioning. Cancer can affect any part of the body and can have different causes, including genetic, environmental, lifestyle and exposure...

Find Your Own Flow

The words below are from the group who call themselves Thymus. "We know you so very well as your true selves, your whole selves, and as we tune into you there in your physical lives, we hold that knowing of who you really are above all else. This is very...

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