Auriculotherapy or Ear Seeds

Auriculotherapy, more commonly known as ear seeds, is based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem and an external organ that reflects the entire body.  Conditions affecting a patient's physical, mental or emotional health are treated by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively. Several modalities...

What Exactly Does SkyMed Do for Its Members?

Membership has its privileges and the glowing first-hand reports of those helped by SkyMed with a serious or critical medical emergency are plentiful. SkyMed goes beyond getting you on a plane in Vallarta homeward bound. It will provide ambulances on both ends if you're hospitalized; it will provide a...

Take a Load off Your Feet!

Besides migraines, are you overweight too? Great news: my experience has been that finding significant pain relief from migraines is much easier and works more quickly for me than getting rid of excess weight. Getting rid of excess weight in a healthy manner is a major step in finding...

Orange Essential Oil

The orange originated in Southern China, Northeast India, and Myanmar. The earliest mention of the orange was in Chinese literature in 314 BC.   As of 1987, orange trees are the most cultivated fruit tree in the world. Orange trees are widely grown in tropical and subtropical climates for their...

Music Hath Charms To Heal

Are you the kind of migraine sufferer for whom excessive sound can trigger or worsen an attack? Take a week off - this column is not addressed to you. "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast… to soften rocks, or bend the knotted oak." (William Congreve) Hmmm. I...

Mint Essential Oil

Peppermint oil is from the peppermint plant, a cross between watermint and spearmint that grows in Europe and North America. Peppermint oil is commonly used as flavoring for foods and beverages and as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics.  It's also used for various health conditions and can be taken...

Essential Oils and Wellness

Those into those things, meaning vibration or energy patterns known in the scientific world as Hz (a hertz is a unit of frequency), will get this quickly.  Our body, with its soft and dense tissues, organs, and mass, all have a distinctive Hz value, which changes with thought and diet.  A healthy...

There Is a Gold Mine in Every Municipality

A municipal free library is an oasis of calm for a migraine sufferer. Does stepping into a library remind you of watching a movie about the undersea world of oceans? Muted sound envelops you as soon as you walk in. It is an escape to a world where healing...

Lemon Essential Oil

You'll find essential oil compounds in a plant's seeds, flowers, bark, roots, leaves, stems, rinds, fruit, and resin. Essential oils are found inside the peel of citrus fruits. You may have noticed that when you use lemon-scented products for cleaning your home, you feel more relaxed or uplifted...

Lavender Essential Oil

The US Food and Drug Administration generally recognizes lavender as safe for human consumption. The essential oil was used in hospitals during World War One. Lavender is best known for its fragrant purple blossoms and is a perennial plant that grows yearly. It's best known for its health benefits....

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