by Elke ZillaIt was never my intent to ever offend.But if this train of thought is not allowed,Feel free to unfriend, feel free to walk out.
But for now… Listen. When hate speaks loudly,Can love afford to whisper?There’s every indication that the train of moral shameHas just left the station.
A neighbor has taken to lying in the road.This is the second time in two days I've caught her doing that. It's unnerving.I saw her while I was clearing my fence lines. Been using my 12" chainsaw and two loppers, perfect for the job. It's unbelievable how many feet...
by Zhander P'ng The journey to this day began on December 14, 2024, when Abraham and I decided to watch a movie together. That seemingly ordinary decision led to a transformative moment after watching Queer featuring Daniel Craig: I signed up for Ayahuasca. From that day forward, I prepared...
With all the noise going on, all the talk shows and podcasts, all the predictions of doom and gloom, all the fear-mongering, and, of course, all the fake news, the only place we are going to get clear answers is in our ability to ‘hear’ that wee small loving...
Maz-Mix, a dietary supplement, combines modern research, Eastern medicine principles with Herbolaria Mexicana to support digestive health. Let’s break down its key components:
Moringa: Known for its antioxidant properties, protein, and potential digestive benefits.
Organic chia: Rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.
Vitamins, including vitamin C: Essential for overall health.
Awakening for women in this time of great change can manifest in several ways:
1. Empowerment and Leadership: More women are stepping into leadership roles across various sectors, advocating for equality, social justice, and environmental issues. This empowerment encourages others to find their voices and assert their rights.
2. Self-Discovery and Authenticity: Many...
Merry March? Manic March? Magnificent March? What will it be? Chances are you’ll experience moments of all three as there is nothing quiet or stable about the Quantum, the Universal Field, this month. In fact, the energies are wild and wooly, pushing us to go deeper within and determine our life from that...
Quite often in the past few weeks, I have been asked this very question. And please know that everyone is a “lightworker” – everyone can contribute to creating the world we have all been collectively dreaming of. All you need do is remember who you are and shine your...
Part 11 In our ACIM gatherings, we are working on the last chapter of book 1, TEXT. The chapter is named ‘The Final Vision,’ which seems appropriate for this time in our ever-present 'now.' Our assignment this week was part 1V, “The Real Alternative.” The question was, where does...
Empowering Your Financial Future: Wealth Management, Digital Risks, and International Tax Insights
We have been hosting client reviews and planning meetings using web-based meeting software for many years. It has been hard not to be jealous as we see our clients enjoy the winter weather of Mexico while we remain...