Birthdays Over Decades

When I was in my twenties in Puerto Vallarta, my birthdays were big, BIG news. They were all about going out with friends and eating dinner late, then heading out to the club to dance until I lost my shoes (although that really didn’t stop the dancing). Sort of...

Where There Is Love, There Is Light

Dearest Readers, As we move into the summer weather, I will attempt to keep my messages short and to the point which is a real stretch for me. I need this learning curve because I can easily write on and on, and overwhelm most of those who read my column. There is...

Post-Dentist Shopping

I wanted to reward myself this past Saturday because I was so good at my dentist appointment.  I mean, I’m always good at the dentist because I don’t outwardly demonstrate my intense fear and don’t bite his finger when he revs up the high-powered scaler.  You see, I don’t enjoy the dentist, thanks...

Bogota Rules – Then and Now

While living in Bogota, Colombia, back in the early 1970s, there were very few non-Latins around, being the mercenaries from Vietnam looking for work with the M 13 or Pablito, draft dodgers, adventurers, and other kids.  No matter the circumstances of our getting there, we hung out and helped each other...

What Is Love?

I am sharing this message of what is love by the Arcturian group and from my personal guidance and collaborators who speak to all of us as we begin to see with new eyes. Love is misinterpreted as an emotion, in reality, it is a state of consciousness, a way...

Teacher Appreciation Day in Vallarta

Wednesday, May 15, was Teacher's Day, which is of special interest to me as a teacher. It is interesting for a number of reasons, two of the most interesting being: 1) I never experienced so much teacher appreciation as I have since I moved to Mexico. 2) I had the day off, which is always very...

Who Are We – Really?

Hafiz, a Persian Sufi Master and Poet, was born and died roughly around the same timeline as the great English poet Geoffrey Chaucer.  Hafiz dedicated one of his books of poetry, The Gift,   "To God in his magnificent masquerade – as us."  To me, this one line said it all.  It...

Letter to My Past Self on Mother’s Day

A letter to myself, on my first Mother’s Day nineteen years ago: Oh honey, the bags under your eyes - I want to tell you that’s temporary, because I love it when you smile. Unfortunately, those bags will never quite leave you. You’ll get a little extra sleep from time to time, like...

We Can Weave From Common Threads…

... a world of strength and beauty. By Chiara Montante There seems to be no end to the differences that separate us as cultures, societies, races, religions, communities, politics, genders, generations, or status. Celebrating our differences in today's rare, unchallenging, or cheerful moments seems improbable, but it is still possible....

The Heart of Springtime 

Spring is a beautiful season – the time of rebirth, renewal and revival! I can’t tell you which I love more – the birds chirping, the red tree buds turning leafy green, or the ground breaking as hyacinths, daffodils and tulips begin their journey to Grace. We can all take a lesson from...

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