Beyond The Sun Art Preview, Auction and Exhibit

May 24 and 25, 10 am - 4 pm, Arte Vallarta, Pilitas 213. Preview this vast collection of artwork. Sales benefit Arte Vallarta Museo. Additionally, during the private event on the 26th, there will be an announcement of an open call for queer artists across the country to create an...

Maintaining Your Outdoor Wood Furniture

Your beautiful wooden pieces face numerous challenges, from the scorching sun to high humidity and salty ocean air. However, with proper care and maintenance, you can significantly prolong their lifespan and keep them looking beautiful for years. Before discussing maintenance tips, it's crucial to consider the type of wood...

The Rise of Rural Raicilla 

The stories about El Tuito's local 'moonshine' existed for ages, including its shadowy history of being illegally produced in remote back woods areas and sold in unlabeled plastic soda bottles to those who knew where to find it.  All that is slowly changing as production is now legal and local distillers are...

Another Tip on How to Save Money on Furniture

The roots of plywood trace back to ancient Egypt and China, where early civilizations used thin layers of wood glued together for various purposes. However, it was in the 20th century that modern plywood as we know it came into existence. In the early 1900s, technological advancements led to...

VIDEO: Outdoor Art and Market Marina Vallarta

The outdoor Art and Market Marina Vallarta runs Thursdays, 6-10 pm, with 200 local merchants selling food, clothing, jewelry and more, with live music and public parking.

The Hidden Hazards of Some Furniture

Did you know that the furniture you purchase for your home in Vallarta could harm your health and the environment? Behind the glossy finishes and lower prices of some furniture in retail stores lie a plethora of hidden dangers. Investing in better-quality materials is paramount for our well-being and...

Buyer Beware: Substiquality

As consumers, we are drawn to sleek designs, trendy styles, and affordable prices. However, many fail to realize that behind the facade of beauty lies a growing trend known as 'substiquality.' This practice involves manufacturers compromising on the quality of materials used in furniture to cut costs while maintaining...

Food for Thought About Your Dining Chairs

I recently read a research study about how North Americans use their dining table. I always find this type of information enlightening and interesting. You may want to share some of these tidbits tonight over your dinner. According to the information in this report, the average life span of...

Cruz Sunu: A Guatemalan Maestro in Vallarta

Nestled in the vibrant cultural tapestry of Guatemala is an artist whose work transcends boundaries, blending tradition with innovation and capturing the essence of the nation's rich heritage. Pedro Arnold Cruz Sunu, an accomplished painter, has carved a niche through his distinctive artistic style and unwavering commitment to preserving...

Talavera Ceramics in Mexico

Blue and white ceramics have always been a favorite of mine since my grandmother gave me a small delicate pitcher from Italy. It is at least 100 years old and today sits in my home here in Vallarta. Imagine my surprise when, shortly after I moved here, I walked...

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