Recap: Good Morning, From Here, February 08 – 14
Describing Zoe Lewis in concert is the same as writing down exactly how butterflies fly and fish swim and getting the mechanics of it just right. She flits about onstage, landing here and there on a light or heavy piece of subject matter and deals with them equally – an election result that makes her unhappy or how a man could encase a dandelion gone to fluff in a glass paperweight. To her, they are questions that make themselves understood in song lyrics and storytelling. She delights in everyday things with her British humor totally intact. She wryly discusses hot sauces, spices, and chiles encountered in Mexican food in song until we are weeping with laughter, our own experiences echoing off the walls of The Palm Cabaret.
Her guests this season for Zoe Lewis Souvenirs are Zoe Wood, the phenomenal classic guitarist, David Linares, percussionist, Stolie, and from PTown, Mass, where Zoe lives, Qya Cristál of The Divas. Each one adds a little something to the gentle zaniness.
Zoe’s souvenirs are kept safely in a tiny suitcase covered with city stickers showing where she has been. It contains the aforementioned glass paperweight, her mom’s beret from Paris, a spiral shell collected from under the sea, and more. With each object comes a song accompanied by piano, ukulele, or guitar, with photos projected onstage.
Zoe is nostalgic; even her clothes are reminiscent of another time, the thirties and forties. And earlier, when itinerant minstrels would go from place to place, untamed and untethered, offering a song in exchange for food and shelter, the show adapted for whatever crowd accumulated.
She is a circus act, balancing plates on sticks, offering magic tricks, all of it done to songs with an infectious smile and a deep love of what she does best – getting people to laugh, not taking anything too seriously except joy. She finds that everywhere and disperses that wherever she goes.
Zoe Lewis kickstarts childhood wonder without ever resorting to childish antics. Starting with a simple heartstring, she will pull gently but firmly until she has you in the palm of her hand, where she will tell a beguiling story to keep you spellbound and happy. Wherever Zoe is, so goes love. Don’t miss her last show at The Palm Cabaret on Monday, February 17, at 5 pm.
Tomorrow is Tribute Tuesday up the Cuale River at Rancho Santiago brought to you by El Rio BBQ Bar. It’s going to be a bigger party than usual, with a “Keep the Faith” fundraiser for local artisan Karen Lahm. Perros del Rio kick off the music at 1:30, followed two hours later by the Texas Embassy Blues Band from Nacho Daddy, then the Bon Jovi Tribute Show at 5:30. Go, eat some fine smoked ribs, drink some icy cold beer, dance, swim in the river, and support Karen, who needs our help. Check for details, From Here.

Dreamer of Dreams opened Sunday night at Coco Cabaret and stars America’s Got Talent Brian Justin Crum and a couple of fine aerialists, Woody Fox and Raul Valle. Now 38 and a decade away from competing on AGT, where he finished in 4th place, he had us riveted by his powerful voice.
I felt his gratitude throughout his outstanding performance, not from the applause but because he was doing what he loved. He talked a bit about growing up in San Diego, where he was born, and was bullied for his sexuality – he came out as gay in elementary school and his overweightness. Instead of dwelling on that, it fed his thankfulness and likely drove him to – and in – the gym to make him look, feel, and be stronger.
Musical Theatre nurtured him as a child, and his dreams of being on Broadway came to fruition in Wicked when he was 17. Other roles followed, and when he returned to live in Los Angeles years later, an opportunity came to be on America’s Got Talent. That show was his launching pad into the hearts of America.
He is here now in Puerto Vallarta. Make a gift to yourself and take in his new show at Coco Cabaret, complete with aerial acrobatics and that gloriously sensational Brian Justin Crum voice.
Tomorrow, Scrabble at Qulture at 12:30, Bingo for Colina Spay and Neuter at Nacho Daddy at 4, then the finals for Mr. Vallarta at 6 pm at Coco Cabaret; see you everywhere From Here.
The fundraiser out at Rancho Santiago went well, with over 30k raised to donate to Karen Lahm, and culminated with a Tribute to Bon Jovi that had the crowd dancing (alongside the horses) and singing along. I left a bit early, having spotted the bus that turns around to head back to Vallarta, passing the front gates of Rancho Santiago. Next week features The Beach Boys!!!!
La Huerta (the old location of El Rio BBQ Bar) was just finishing up their day, and the bus quickly loaded up with extremely happy, spirited concertgoers from that venue. I am so glad Vallarta provides safe public transportation for its inebriated tourists. The bus driver took it all in stride; after all, nobody in the world parties harder or better than the Mexicans, and it made me smile. These Canadians and Americans sang and danced in place – the sheer amount of bodies kept everyone upright, back to Centro. It was a perfect preliminary for Open Mic at Nacho Daddy.
Gouda Gabor, the hostess for Open Mic every Tuesday, over-Glee-ed herself and asked pianist Mark Hartman to take her place for the evening. Mark obliged, looking dashing in his beige linen suit, complete with tie. (Vallarta’s mayor doesn’t wear a tie). A chi-chi night was clearly in store. We had classical music with Andrea Jupina on flute with Mark accompanying, Chopin’s Military Polonaise, and an aria from soprano Sarah Joy. A few major hitters from out of town included Christine Deaver, appearing at Coco Cabaret; Zoe Lewis, who has one more show at The Palm Cabaret; and Sue Matsuki, freshly arrived from NYC, whose Opening Night at Act2PV is tomorrow at 7 pm.
Loveable locals promoting their shows included Steven Retchless (Coco Cabaret), Angeloo and Nia (both at La Catrina Cantina), and Delilah Beaucoup at Act2PV.
Kimberly G offered a heartfelt ‘Alfie.’ (Kimberly has worked hard on this song she studied with David Sabella during his amazing Master Voice Classes last summer.) Mark Hartman accompanied, offering it was one of his favorites.
One of the night’s brightest lights, Elke Zilla, rendered her Spoken Word, Part Two of ‘Claro que sí,’ which will be published soon in Vallarta Mirror.
A note here for hopefuls to appear onstage for Open Mic: get to Nacho Daddy early and sign up with Lydia. You should be there by 7:15. Stand-up comedian Jordan Parker, who I really enjoy, got there late and couldn’t perform.
A non-stop day today with Scrabble at Qulture, Bingo at Nacho Daddy, Mr Vallarta Finals at Coco Cabaret, followed by Tonny K’s birthday party at La Catrina Cantina and Angeloo’s show there at 8 pm. For information and tickets where applicable for everything mentioned today, go to From Here.
What a fun-filled day yesterday! I won three out of four games at Scrabble. Incidentally, our Club needs more boards, preferably turntable ones; if you can help us, we would be grateful. From Qulture, I flew down to Nacho Daddy for Colina Spay and Neuter bingo and won one game. Ball caller Lydia Damato read aloud to the packed house the homage to Colette Zarry, written by Leslie Eggerling, published in Vallarta Mirror yesterday. Colette is a founder of Colina Spay and Neuter Clinic, and the story tells us why. I went straight from there (fast!) to Coco Cabaret and joined Matt Karimi and his husband David for the Mr. Vallarta Finals.
I was so happy not to be a judge in that contest! Throughout the final, hosts Sebastian Coronel and Nacho Granados, both looking divine in tuxedos, relayed the show in two languages, resulting in much laughter. Steven Retchless in drag as Britney Spears promoted her show at Coco Cabaret with dear Matt onstage bearing the brunt with a huge smile when we could see him at all! Waleska, as Madonna, interacted with the audience – and briefly with Britney Spears! Her fabulous, Chris Lopez-produced show is also at Coco Cabaret.

Captain America, aka Moisés, from the Boys on Fire show Superheroes, brought his incredible strength and balance to center stage for a mesmerizing five minutes. Superheroes is fun and celebrates human power and agility.
Last week at the Mr. Vallarta Prelims, I took one look at Diego’s legs and pronounced him best in show. And, he won! Besides a cheque for 10,000 pesos and a year’s membership at Apple Gym, Diego also received a bag of goodies from the new store by Davide at Qulture Gallery called ‘Hung.’
Congratulations to all the contestants in the Third Annual Mr. Vallarta; it was delightful, and I am sending a(nother) hug to Diego! The other big winner in this contest is the Vallarta Gay+Community Center, which received all the ticket sales from two sold-out houses.
From Coco Cabaret, I backtracked a block to La Catrina Cantina, where I have, unavoidably, not been in ages. The occasion was Tonny Kenneth’s birthday party; it was terrific to hear him sound so great. Loads of entertainers were in the audience, including Nick Rogers, Angeloo, and table mates Sargento and Keith Tynes, to name a few. The birthday cake was yummy; thanks, Tonny.
Act2PV tonight for Sue Matsuki at 7 pm, Arte Vallarta up on Pilitas for a VDay fundraiser for the Museo tomorrow, and Levi Kreis at The Palm on Saturday.
I love my life From Here.
Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody. I hope romance is in your life if that’s what you want; I envy those with time for it. I have a love story to tell that keeps getting hung up on the same issues, and I don’t know how to fix it and make it come out ‘happily ever after’ in the end.
It’s three am; just a couple of hours ago, my peaceful neighborhood downtown is pierced with screaming, loud enough to wake me from a dead sleep. I get up, follow the wretched noise onto my patio at the back of the house, and calmingly try to quiet my cat Bogie, hanging by his claws on the fence that keeps him safely indoors but still outside. Inches away is a white cat with orange splashes having a morning meander across Vallarta’s rooftops.
The intruding kitty is unperturbed, and I yell (quietly!) and clap my hands, and he – or she – leisurely moves on.
Bogie’s yowls settle into whimpers as he catches his Maine Coon breath and subsides into plaintive meows like a kitten. I have learned from similar mornings not to grab him but to let him unlock himself from the wire fencing five feet off the floor and leap onto the table. I talk to him quietly and gently pat his head; he jumps down – I hope to come back to bed for another couple of hours before the alarm. He reaches out with front paws, wraps them around my calf, and bites. It’s hard enough to break the skin.
In two days, on the 16th, it will mark nine months Bogie has lived with me. And, with the exception of teeth and claw marks on various parts of me, our life together is perfect.
Maybe he is bored? I try to play with him daily, always gently, never ‘roughhousing’ with him; he is bigger than me! He has a cat tree with scratching posts (and there is also the furniture). He is about 8 years old, so he is not teething.
After each incident, there is a lag of trust on my part and remorse on his (my vet assures me that’s an actual thing with cats). I would be so grateful if anyone could share a trick with me to change this violent behavior. I do not want to respond violently after he bites; it’s already too late, and I don’t believe that’s the answer. Bogie is my darling. If it just takes time, I am willing to invest it.
So, to my readers, help make my Valentine’s Day and all my days going forward with this otherwise perfect cat, better and with less blood (mine!) spilled; I am anxious to hear it.
All things eventually respond to kindness and love. Sending hugs and kisses daily to all of you, but exceptionally long hugs today in celebration of Saint Valentine, From Here.