How You Perceive Is What You Create

This message came at the beginning of this week of unprecedented change, and while you are at it, remember that this is a beautiful day on planet Earth, and we are loved.

This was channeled through my colleague Laurent Phillip, who is part of my international ACIM group, and it is most appropriate for what is taking place just North of here.

“For many, this week is seeing the return of a great man at the head of the US, and for many others, it is the return of a monster that will destroy their country and the world.

The truth is that what you see comes from your mind. You apply all the filters of your conditioning to what you see and project your fears, anger, and other emotions unto the landscape you are watching.

The truth is what you believe will become true for you. What you fear will happen to you. What you hope will manifest in your life because you are the creator of the world you see. Your imperceptions are distorted by your conditioned mind, and, at the same time, you are a powerful creator of your reality from a highly influenced mind. 

If you create in fear, this world will look like chaos, if you create in love, this world will be beautiful.

You are choosing at each moment to create the world you see. So retrain your mind in love, forgive the past and forgive yourself, forgive your enemies, and adopt Christ’s vision that only sees Oneness and sinlessness because it loves Creation and doesn’t fear the ego.

You are choosing at each moment to love or to fear. Choose wisely because the world you create for yourself depends on the mastery of your mind. Learning to master your mind may be life-saving this year, so learn and experience it.

The President is also subject to these laws of creation. If he acts in fear, he will reap what he sowed. If he acts in love, in peace, in truth, he will also reap what he sowed.

So do not get discouraged or excited by a new President. Stay above the battleground and understand that what is at play in the world is a battle between ego and Spirit, between the natural man and the spiritual man, between fear and love, but that this battle is in truth happening within you and that you are perfectly able to choose Love instead of fear and live a beautiful, peaceful, and loving life, despite whatever the circumstances.

You are the creator of your life, and nothing else will change that except if you believe the opposite.

So stay above the battleground and forgive what seems to happen, for in truth, you do not know what is truly happening, and neither of the actors know that this is just a play. Forgive them for they know not what they do in this play. They know not who they are either because if they knew, they would choose peace over chaos.

And live your life free from the shenanigans of the world, free from the past conditioning, free from fear, and open to the new, open to the changes and transformation that will occur as you switch from sleep to waking state. 

You are always safe, you are always in the arms of God, you are never alone. You have a perfect guidance system that can tell you what to choose or not to choose for your own good.

Learn to listen to it, practice it, and become sure of your choices. Trust in the process and in the changes so life becomes a happy dream, a joyful play, and a peaceful bliss.

I am the One you know as Jesus, and I am always with you.”

Thank you for reading these words and for doing the best you can under unprecedented changes.
You can see ‘peace,’ or you can buy into the fear.
You are loved more than you will ever know.


  • Sandra Bradley

    Former Radio & TV host ‘Beyond Reason.’ Published writer & artist. Psychotherapist specializing in Regression Therapy, Soul Blueprint, Spiritual Mentoring, Healing, and whatever is needed 'in' the moment. Vipassana practitioner, student/teacher of A Course in Miracles since the 1980s. Sandra shares the reality of Quantum Physics & Quantum Entanglement in Metaphysical terms with those who wish to 'remember.'

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