Introducing Eco-Cubos Mexico

By Hans Brinkerhoff

First, I would like to thank Vallarta Mirror for allowing me to tell you about my Eco-Cubos Mexico business.

I am just a guy from the States. Puerto Vallarta really is a natural beauty to me; I love looking at the mountains of Mexico.

However, when walking in my neighborhood, it saddens me to see so much plastic, styrofoam, and paper trash lying everywhere. A person can put a major effort into cleaning a park only to have it trashed again in a short time.

Cleaning up the trash is dealing with the Effect of the Problem.

The Problem is that trash receptacles in most parts of Puerto Vallarta do not exist. One way or another, trash receptacles (to protect the bags of domestic trash) need to be provided for the public to improve this situation.

For a variety of reasons, the equipment used in the States, such as personal totes, dumpsters, and garbage trucks with hydraulic lifts, will never be realistic in Mexico.

Eco-Cubos Mexico (ECM)s are a new tool to solve an old problem without requiring change. People place their trash bags in a pile and the trash service crews throw the bags into the garbage truck. No new equipment and no change in effort.

ECMs are a protection zone for bagged trash 24/7 from dogs, inundations, and other natural elements.

Recycling baskets are provided for plastic bottles and aluminum cans.

The ECM design is so simple it’s stupid—but the Problem is stupid. ECMs will transform messy, trashed-out public locations into clean zones. They really work.

People in my neighborhood like having clean corners and parks. For busy people, the designated garbage drop times are a thing of the past. People’s attitude changes for the better when their communities are clean.

I carried the Eco-Cubo idea in my head for a while but was unsure what to do. I have leaned a lot making and testing the Eco-Cubo Mexico for five years. Always with improvements and better ideas. It’s a good idea that seems to get better.

I have also said to myself, “What if it works?” to keep myself motivated.

ECMs may not be for everyone; however, if enough Eco-Cubos get put into use, everyone will enjoy the benefits.

If local government administrators, decision-makers, business owners, and large corporations realize the advantages of ECMs, they may
support the project in a much bigger way than I could ever do by myself.

With the right parties collaborating everyone will win a better Mexico to live in, now and in the future.

Additionally, this is a worldwide problem, not just Mexico’s.
You do not have to buy an Eco-Cubo Mexico to help the cause. Being personally respectful to Nature is as important as having influence with resourceful contacts who wish to do something positive to fight the uncontrolled trash problem.

Of course, the purchase of ECMs will do great things to sustain the project. Thank you for your consideration.

For more information, please go to



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