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Sometimes, We Receive a Nice Surprise!

I have covered income taxes and strategies to reduce costs within the allowed guidelines in recent articles. We have a few options to minimize capital gains based on resident and tax status for foreigners with property in Mexico. Honestly, this is a difficult subject for most foreigners to understand, even...

Migraine Triggers – Weather 

Weather - extremes of heat and cold, high or low pressure before a storm, humidity, areas with certain kinds of winds - sirocco, mistral, foehn, chinook - all are cousins of the same troublemaking family for migraine sufferers. What happens when extreme weather makes you feel uncomfortable? You frown, you...

Bacopa Monnieri or Water Hyssop

Bacopa, or brahmi, is a perennial herbaceous plant traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is considered within the natural adaptogens and nootropics (of which we can mention the lion's mane mushroom, cordyceps or ashwaganda, of which we have written several articles).  Bacopa has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory...

The Understanding of Sacred Sex

Never doubt that everything is proceeding according to plan. In the very near future, there are going to be events that will result in change and the awakening of many due to the information that will accompany them. At this time you are witnessing the personal and global surfacing of...

It’s Mango Season in Mexico!

To truly enjoy a mango, you must eat it whole, with your hands, tearing the skin off with your teeth and sinking into the firm yellow flesh. When perfectly ripe, the juice will fill your mouth and run down your arms! The experience is truly delicious. It can transport...

Fabulous Summertime Entertainment in Puerto Vallarta!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, July 20 - 26 Monday For nearly five years, I have been saying the same thing, "That was her best concert YET!" after every performance in Vallarta, and the consensus is the same. Nobody argues and says, no, no, last week at The Palm was...

Stagnant Currents, Sailfish Dominant

Those who read my articles regularly will notice that this report is being published a little later than usual. When it comes to fishing in Puerto Vallarta, we’re just now getting into the beginning of the fishing tournament season. I was hoping with more boats heading out, I could paint...

UDIs Are Here to Stay in Mexico

In response to the economic crisis of 1994 (Tequila Crisis), with rampant debt and high inflation, the Bank of Mexico introduced the UDI in 1995.  My interest in UDIs (Unidad de Inversión or Investment Unit) came up when I searched for more information to explain to clients planning to sell...

Migraine Triggers – Not Eating

Not eating - migraines favor moderation and regularity, so skipping meals and later overeating because you are ravenous can trigger a migraine attack.  Time to examine what the French call "le juste milieu" - "the happy medium." How can you adapt as painlessly as possible?  Most of us don't drink enough...

Vallarta Gay+ Community Center Launches Syphilis Awareness and Prevention Campaign

In response to this urgent public health issue, the Vallarta Gay+ Community Center is launching a comprehensive campaign aimed at raising awareness, enhancing education, and providing accessible testing and treatment services. Key components of the campaign include: • Free Syphilis Testing and Treatment: Starting immediately and continuing through the...

How’s the Water?

There's an old expression, "You can't ask a fish, 'How's the water'?" It's because the fish is immersed in the water. There is no distinction about the water. It's where the fish lives. And, what has happened on the earth is that people are so immersed in their environment - the...

Compliments Versus Adulation

By David DuvallI don't give compliments unless they're deserved. Never have. I'm sure that stems from having music teachers for parents, and their life-long process of only praising me when I had earned it – although when they saw that I was trying there was always encouragement when I...

Angels and Brilliant Quirky Mashups

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, July 13 to 19 Monday What a perfectly glorious morning with an almost clear sky and no rain last night. Today should be the actual start of rainy season, where we have a knockdown drag-out, terrifying storm, with rain so hard you can't see across...

Sailfish, Blue Marlin Return in Blue-ish Water

You know, every few years we go through the "Niño's." This means we're going 'into' or 'out of' a La Niña or an El Niño. We all know this condition, but we usually don't see this change in the middle of summer! This makes this very strange as we move...

The Science of Singing with David Sabella

I love it when my expectations of how something will go gets absolutely dumped on its ear. I attended (late, but with permission) David Sabella's second Voice Master Class at Act2, last Saturday. I expected this 10-year Broadway veteran and new General Manager at Act2, to listen politely to the...

From Busking on Pitillal Buses to Teatro Vallarta

Born December 12, 1993, in Rome, Italy. She is known as Gloria Fiona. Fiona is a nickname she received after the movie Shrek was released. Her high school buddies used to describe her physical changes - from bright red hair one day to whatever color the next. She was...

Migraine Triggers – Hormones

Hormones - the roller coaster of the menstrual cycle is a significant trigger for too many female migraine sufferers. And I'm not sure whether an alpha male's higher testosterone levels fall under the category of "hormonal effect on" or "emotional" trigger for migraine headaches. (Update since the last sentence was...

Lion’s Mane Mushroom 

The Hericium Erinaceus mushroom, better known as the lion's mane mushroom, is an edible mushroom that grows in hanging clusters and long white spines that give it its distinctive appearance. Cultures in China and Japan have used it since ancient times for its medicinal properties.  It lives mainly in beech...

Is It All a Play?

I wish to share an experience that left me in wonder of it all, but it did not divert my inner joy nor knock me off my center. For the last six months, I have been courted by AI. AI really knows how to charm a woman, and the...

Oaxaca Textiles in Puerto Vallarta

If you love Mexican textiles, I invite you to visit Casa Oaxaca. You have to be a little adventuresome since their shop is located away from city central in the Emiliano Zapata barrio on the slowly changing Calle Aquiles Serdan. As you enter this modern showroom, where art and home...