The Godfather’s Gift

When The Pleasant Uprising was fomented a couple of months ago, I had an idea of the amount of work a band would be–after all, I am something of a theater kid, public-facing performances are a JOB–but I’m happy to report that I might have underestimated just how much fun I would have doing it.

Sure, there are neverending emails to write and schedules to track, a constant stream of coordination, but for me, it’s kinda like a massive Rubik’s Cube…one that pays you to play with it, dispenses free pizza and beer, and can never quite be “solved.” I spend most of my waking hours on this new pursuit, and ya know…I can’t think of when I’ve been happier.

It’s not hard to see why when you read these things, yeah?

Tuesday 11/22- After an exciting edition of 322 Trivia Sunday night (including a 3-way tie to decide the winner of the vaunted pizza prize for the leading team at halftime, a score settled with a Kalashnikov) and a much-needed prep day Monday, I set about the week’s affairs with The Pleasant Uprising with a visit to the Godfather.

The Godfather of the Uprising, known by the alias “David” in some circles as he has always shown kindness to our collective.

At the inaugural Kasava Karnival, he brought both goodwill and friends. When we took the stage at La Huerta, he extended his hand again. However, it was on this Tuesday that he showed his most gracious side, offering the band a much-needed additional speaker in advance of a rapidly filling slate of upcoming gigs.

Yes, one day we may be called upon to perform a service in return for The Godfather’s favor, but hey…maybe that service might be performing at his debuting Abracachakra garden oasis, so that could work out for everybody.

Wednesday 11/23- With the previous night’s jam session at Hueco (and unlabeled practice time for both The Pleasant Uprising and Brimstone Band) done and uploaded, it was time for a summit with Fabi in advance of the next Kasava Karnival. Vibrant as always, Fabi welcomed ZiZi and me in for the meeting with samples of what attendees to the December 10 event can expect, namely delicious Caribbean BBQ and her sparkling personality…always worth the trip.

After lunch at Kasava Taste, it was time for an afternoon of gig hunting for the Uprising. A visit to returning local favorite Winston’s Bar & Grill yielded several fun surprises for the watering hole’s opening day…a performance from The B34ST and complementary welcome tequila make a pretty great pairing.

Guarding the oven at the front of the house from stumblers-by as it turned out piping hot deep dish pizzas was Brad, who was justifiably jazzed about the successful relaunch of the popular hangout, now located in Versalles. We chatted for a bit, and as B34ST lead singer Wario demonstrated his command of the crowd, I couldn’t help but take a few notes…guy’s a real pro.

Friday 11/25- Of course, I hadn’t come up empty on Wednesday’s inquiries–that’s not the AJ way–and so, The Pleasant Uprising prepared to crash Cafe Roma on this Friday afternoon! Soaking up some game from The B34ST did a lot for me…we nailed our pace, did a little more crowd engagement, and turned in a 2.5 hour session that had the people dancing and drinking the whole way through.

We’re a better band than last week, and that’s how ya do it.

Well, I’ve got a fair bit of band admin to do this week as well–especially after getting hired for our first private gig last weekend!!–so I’m gonna go ahead and stick a bookmark in this for the week…but let me just tell you, it’s gonna be a December to remember in this sunny city by the sea!

The month starts out strong with another first, as The Uprising Returns to Cafe Roma for a repeat gig to kick off the monthly music schedule…but only after I sneak in some singing practice at ZiZi’s Karaoke Class at Awaysis on Tuesday.

Gonna be a good show this Friday, the 1st…come check it out, I’m beggin, beggin yooooooou.

Either way, probably see ya around!


  • AJ Freeman

    AJ Freeman is the hardest workin' man in tie-dye, writing weekly for the Mirror, hosting various vibrant activities, and bringing his vices to every event... in this sunny city by the sea, if you've come to have fun you'll probably see AJ around.

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