Vallarta Asks, “How Can We Help?”

Recap: Good Morning, From Here March 09 – March 15

I watched more TV last night than I have in over a decade. The Oscars were fascinating—even the commercials, which I could see but not hear at La Catrina Cantina at Jim Lee’s Oscar Party.

I used to love Academy Award broadcasts. Seeing all the stars under one roof, rooting for my fave movies. This was not that at all. I have heard of Oppenheimer and Barbie but have seen neither, not even a clip, so all that was new. Over 90% of the actors, including the host of the show, I had never heard of nor could I pick any of them out of a lineup.

I felt like an alien, riveted to a TV, sucking up all the glitz and glamour and admiring the dresses and wondering who the hell designed others – so impractically weird some of them!

What a great night it was. If you are ever lucky enough to be invited to a Jim Lee Event – go! He was resplendent in black and, with his husband Sean Carey in black sequins, spent much time on the red carpet being photographed posing with their guests.

Vallarta needs nights where we can dress up and pretend we are actually civilized, whereas in everyday daily dress, replacing flip-flops with tennis shoes screams FORMAL!

Besides being a perfect party thrower, Jim is also a whiz in the kitchen, and last night’s cupcakes were gorgeous and tasty.

The Ides of March are this Friday, so be aware. Next week is Spring, and the week after that, all hell breaks loose, so keep your heads down From Here.

In a few hours, I am going to a funeral. It’s probably the least favored event humans can attend – to say one last, really final, and public goodbye.

We have to gather together, open our arms to one another in great love and terrible loss, and share those emotions equally. One cannot exist without the other.

And so, with that, please take time to let people know they are loved. For today, in memory of my friend, instead of saying goodbye or adios, I will say, “I love you” From Here.

Two Vallarta Mirror columnists sat with me at Burger Smuts’ funeral yesterday; I had Sandra Cesca on one side and Carla Piringer on the other. I was grateful to have them close.

I knew about half the people who attended, and while it was lovely to see everyone, the circumstances surrounding our visits over fabulous food by Scotty McIntyre were tempered by death. We are of that age – Burger was a year older than me…

These very human, emotional tasks put us smack up against the inevitable elephant in the room. I will only say one more thing – if you live in Vallarta, get a will drawn up. Remember, your will in Canada and/or the US are great if that’s where you are going to die, but they carry no weight at all in Mexico. Our surviviors will have enough to do.

Scrabble and Bingo this afternoon; stay tuned for the scores first thing tomorrow morning. Have a great big hug, everybody, from my ❤ to yours From Here.

Is everyone breathing a little easier these days? Company from the north is going home, and the city has calmed down somewhat. I am attending a few events a week as opposed to daily. The trick will be to stock up on provisions before Easter Week is upon us, creating a good time to begin Spring Cleaning.

My losing streak at Bingo continues; Scrabble was better in 3 out of 4 games yesterday.

I saw the most curious thing crossing the Isla on my way home after bingo flatlined: pelicans and egrets lined up side by side, feeding at an artificial waterfall in the river. They looked so elegant perched on the edge of the cement abutment under the water. I wonder what they were eating, which was clearly in abundance flowing over that edge.

The Raicilla Festival starts this weekend on the Isla. If you have never tried this alcoholic beverage, go and have some samples and take a bottle home. It’ll change your attitude!

See everyone Sunday afternoon at David Duvall’s monthly musical fiesta at 2 pm in the Casa Karma Red Room; until then, enjoy the warming weather From Here.

Not only is it Friday, it is the Ides of March; rest in peace, Julius Caesar. Keep your wits about you today!

An unusual cocktail party preceded a Lady’s Football match last night at the spectacular home of Georgia Darehshori. 

Georgia gathers worthy charities in Vallarta to her heart and fiercely promotes them to all; last night was no exception.

As an offshoot of one of her faves—Club Vallarta—sprang a ‘Luncheon Club’ to feed dozens of children reportedly attending school on empty stomachs.

Victor Aguirre, Director of Club Vallarta, dropped in and captivated us with his animated stories of triumphs and pitfalls of the hundreds of kids taking part in his programs. But first, hunger.

Nothing can be accomplished without food, and, for assorted reasons, many of the children at the kindergartens and primary schools surrounding Club Vallarta were getting to school unfed.

The teachers reported the facts, and word went out to Georgia and the Vallarta Food Bank to help.

For information on how you can help with money or as a volunteer, contact Victor Aguirre at and/or Georgia Darehshori at

The need never stops, and I am always amazed by the people in Vallarta who rally for whatever cause needs to be dealt with immediately.

Our community grows and reaches out to all through love From Here.


  • Marcia Blondin

    I am a Canadian expat who has lived in Vallarta for over 30 years. Becoming the editor of Vallarta Mirror is a dream come true, spending my days extolling the virtues of the city I love. An environmentalist in my lifestyle, artistic endeavors, the clothes I wear and the love I share.

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