Miasmas or Diathesis, the Predisposition of Diseases 

Reminiscent of homeopathy, which is considered the science and art of healing based on both the disease's individuality and the patient's individuality, using the principles of similarity, minimum dose and the healing force of nature.  Homeopathy has certain characteristics that make it in a certain way predictive, since according to...

A Good Question

Are you a branch, or are you a tree? Do you operate from the perspective of the branch, which has grown from the larger base of the tree yet is still a part of it? Or do you view yourself as the branch that, although attached to the base, is...

Progressive Live Music Party – August 29th, 2024

I love being 80! I love where I am in my life! I love observing the shift in people's energies when I proudly say I am 80. Suddenly, people's expectations for my behavior plummet to new lows. I love flying in the face of myths and generalizations. Like the one...

Time Is Flying, so Rock On

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, August 17 - 23 Monday How was the weekend? It went by so damn fast I'm not sure there was one! I spent some time over mango smoothies with David Duvall on Friday. He is an incredibly good writer, and I am cajoling him to...

Striped and Blue Marlin at Corbetena

The fishing in Puerto Vallarta right now is showing a stronger pulse by the day. The fishing is finally getting exciting, with more fish moving into the area. The numbers of individual species are picking up nicely, and why wouldn't they be? Conditions are close to perfect. We've had...

Migraine Triggers – Smells (part 2 of 2)

Smells, be they perfume or odors and smoke are an experience that your nervous system, already on edge and overstimulated from the migraine condition, may perceive as an unwelcome stimulant. If your sense of smell is overly sensitive, anything that causes it to react will be unpleasant, good or...

Yuen Method – Immediate Results Using Intuition 

Before starting this topic, I must plead guilty because, in 2018, I began using this technique. However, due to many other occupations and turns within my professional plane, I had to dedicate myself to other tools and approaches within my profession regarding natural medicine.  The first months of 2018 were...

From the Head to the Heart

"There is something available to you right now. You may not believe it is available to you because everything else in your life you have to work for, and you have to earn, and you have to learn, and you have to practice, and you have to achieve mastery...

Coconut History and Folklore

Who hasn’t had coconut in some form or another? Here in Mexico, it is part of the regular diet. During the 16th century, Pacific coconuts were introduced to Mexico from the Spanish East Indies via ships from the Philippines. Sometimes, the coconuts could be found lying on the beach, having endured the long ocean...

It’s Summer in Puerto Vallarta!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, August 10 - 16 Monday This morning, a gorgeous pale blue sky after some inches of rain fell last night. The day and week seem full of promise; let's see what happens. Mango smoothies are always the right choice these days, in the peak of season,...

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